Conservative Talk Radio Host Jan Mickelson Passed Away — Details on His Cause of Death

Published Aug. 1 2023, 12:48 p.m. ET
In late July 2023, it was revealed that Jan Mickelson passed away at the age of 74. He was an Iowa-based radio host who often sparked controversy for his polarizing views on American politics and minority groups. He is remembered by his fans and colleagues as a pillar in their communities but is also marked by highly controversial and problematic remarks against people within other demographics.
His death was announced on Sunday, July 30, 2023 in a Facebook post made posthumously by his wife, Suzy. What was his cause of death? Here's what we know so far.
What was Jan Mickelson's cause of death?
On Saturday, July 29, Jan was admitted to a hospital as revealed in a Facebook post made to his account by a loved one. The post details much of his medical condition leading up to his passing.
"He was admitted to the hospital in critical condition with low pressure and failing kidney function," the Facebook post reads.
At the time of the post, he was reportedly "still responsive" and was even getting some laughs out of the nursing staff.
His passing was reported shortly after. According to other recent posts at the time, he had just celebrated his 74th birthday earlier in June.
The former talk show host previously contended with a stroke that subsequently led to his retirement.
Jan was best known as a radio talk show host on WHO in Des Moines, Iowa. He often sparked controversy for his views on unauthorized immigrants in the United States as well as his opposing stance against the LGBTQ+ community. He has previously suggested that immigrants should be used for hard labor.
On Facebook, Suzy has expressed gratitude to his fans for their well wishes.
He is mourned by several Iowa Republican politicians and conservative fans.