Jesse Watters Said Tim Walz Wasn't Masculine Because He Used a Straw to Drink a Milkshake
Jesse Watters made a questionable comment about the VP candidate's masculinity.
Published Sept. 5 2024, 9:52 a.m. ET
Anyone who has lived through enough presidential elections knows that the contests can be decided by any number of stupid things. Even in that context, though, Jesse Watters may have found something that was simply too dumb to be believed.
During a recent episode of The Five on Fox News, Watter suggested that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was not masculine, but you'll never believe what his rationale was. We'll give you a hint: It has to do with a milkshake.

Jesse Watters made a comment suggesting that Tim Walz wasn't masculine because he drinks milkshakes with a straw.
During the episode of The Five, Watters said "Women love masculinity, and women do not love Tim Walz. So that should just tell you about how masculine Tim Walz is. The other day you saw him with a vanilla ice cream shake, had a straw in it, again, that tells you everything."
Even those people who don't like Walz's politics may have been confused by the comment. Why does it matter whether he was using a straw?
Straws have become a political issue because of the move toward plastic straws and away from paper versions, but that's not the issue here. Instead, the suggestion seems to be that real men do not use straws. Watters seems to be of the opinion that it's more masculine to let milkshakes get all over your face while you drink them.
Whatever the reason may be, it seems that Watters is convinced that the fact that Walz used a straw will convince many female voters that they shouldn't vote for him and Kamala Harris. It's hard to see how this might relate to real questions about the state of the nation or things that impact actual people's lives, but it's certainly something that Watters is convinced will move actual voters.
Some folks on Twitter went after Jesse Watters's own masculine credential.
Even if you accept the somewhat questionable idea that women want masculine men, there were plenty on Twitter who suggested that Watters may not be the first person you'd go to if you wanted advice on how to appear masculine.
"Making those hand gestures with those sculpted brows and that $300 haircut is basically a strawberry milkshake with a neon crazy straw, buddy," one person wrote.
"The 'alphas' sure love talking about other mens’ masculinity. Kinda weird imo," another person added.
"Imagine being this fragile, like a sickly baby deer, struggling to stand up for the first time," a third person wrote.
There are plenty of people, then, who don't buy that Walz is not masculine just because he got a milkshake and used a straw to drink it.
Whether you think Watters's comments are ludicrous or there's something to them, it's hard to deny that these are the silly, performative things most people don't like about politics. Who cares whether Tim Walz used a straw or not? What is he going to do to help regular people get ahead?