Cast Member Talks Potential Season 2 of Netflix's 'Jewish Matchmaking' (EXCLUSIVE)

Published May 5 2023, 11:32 a.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains minor spoilers for Jewish Matchmaking.
We can’t stop watching Netflix’s newest reality dating series, Jewish Matchmaking. The series follows matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom and her Jewish clients as she tries to find them the love of their lives. She’s not just a matchmaker; she’s a dating coach, a networker, a feminist, a mother, a wife, and so much more. And to many of us, she is more than worthy of another Netflix season.
The eight episodes of Jewish Matchmaking fly by, and we’re left with several loose ends. Did any of the couples find their lifelong matches? Since Season 1’s final episode is open-ended for many hopeful singles, we’re all wondering if there will be a Season 2. Luckily, we spoke with Episode 8 dater Pamela Schuller about her thoughts on the second season.

‘Jewish Matchmaking’ could continue the stories of its singles in Season 2.
While Jewish Matchmaking hasn’t yet been officially renewed for a Season 2, it’s clear that the creators intend to make a second season based on where Season 1 ends. The story of every single who we followed is left open-ended. Ori’s date with Karin seemed to go well, but we never see them again. Harmonie and Ben had a great date (finally!), but there’s no follow-through. The same goes for Noah and Tav and Nakysha and Evan.
Pamela and Stuart also ended their date positively, but we have no idea what happened! And isn’t the show all about matching up couples to get them “to the chuppah”? We need to see the couples get married! Hopefully, that will happen in Season 2.

When we spoke exclusively with Pamela about a potential Season 2, she shared, “I’m just as excited to find out as you are.” Although Pamela couldn’t share details about her and Stuart’s current relationship, she did say that if the opportunity were open, she’d love to work with Aleeza again.
Perhaps in a potential Season 2, not only will we see some of the Season 1 relationships develop, but we’ll see more of the daters, such as Pamela or Shaun (who dated Dani in Los Angeles) go on their journeys with Aleeza.
Pamela shared one of the things she loves most about Jewish Matchmaking: “I just really love this beautiful thing of there's no one way to be Jewish. We all have a different story. And I love seeing the representation of diversity on the screen. And I'm really excited to watch back what my experience was like with this journey.”

Now, we all just want the singles’ journeys to continue into Season 2 to marriage, families, and futures. But it’s up to us to spread the word to make sure enough people watch the Netflix series so that the streaming network renews it for a second season.
All eight episodes of Jewish Matchmaking are now available to stream on Netflix.