Woman Exposes "Racism and Sexism" at the Jimmy Rooftop Bar in New York City — "Don't Go to This Bar"

Updated May 22 2023, 8:19 a.m. ET
When businesses act inappropriately toward customers in 2022, they also need to expect that they’re going to be called out for it. The power of social media is just as strong as the power of the press at this point. A very vocal TikTok user has come forward with her story about what sounds like racist treatment she received from workers at a rooftop bar located in New York City.
The bar in question is called Jimmy, which is in SoHo. The TikToker is urging people to stop spending time at this rooftop bar after her horrendous experience. Here is what people should know about what went down.
A TikToker just exposed racism and sexism at the Jimmy rooftop bar in Soho, New York City.
A TikToker named @TiffHoneyyy recently posted a viral video detailing the horrible treatment she and her friend received while visiting Jimmy Soho in New York. She started off her video explaining that she usually doesn’t use her platform to bash businesses, but because of what she just dealt with, she’s certainly not above doing such a thing.
She explained that she wants every woman in New York to make an informed decision about whether or not they should visit this particular bar. Initially, she was able to enter and make her way up to the rooftop without any problems when the night first started. Someone else in her social circle didn’t have such an easy time getting past the bouncer, though. The bouncer appeared to be belligerent and under the influence of something, according to @TiffHoneyyy.
When she went downstairs to help her friend get inside, she noticed she was walking up to a very volatile situation. She described a large bouncer standing over her friend — yelling down at her. The bouncer accused @TiffHoneyyy’s friend of putting her hands on him, even though she claims nothing of the sort happened. Other witnesses behind were watching in disbelief, and some even called the police in fear.
When @TiffHoneyyy tried to calmly insert herself into the situation, she says the bouncer turned around and began yelling at her. He also physically shoved her. It sounds like he was being extremely aggressive in a situation that could've been handled peacefully. His decision to verbally and physically attack her (when she was a paying customer with purchased beverages waiting for her on the rooftop) is completely unacceptable.
Here's what happened next that night.
A second bouncer proceeded to shove @TiffHoneyyy out of the establishment. Why was a paying customer treated with so much disrespect? @TiffHoneyyy sent a long email to Jimmy’s management team describing everything that happened in great detail. She ended the video pleading with her followers not to visit this rooftop bar if they want to avoid racist and sexist treatment.
In a second video posted on her TikTok account, she detailed how the management team responded to her message.
A female manager from Jimmy reached out and apologized profusely for the incident over a phone call. Is an apology enough though? The aggressive bouncer has also been let go. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to avoid places of business that make women feel intimidated and unsafe.
Establishments that don’t want to lose business need to treat their guests with patience and respect — especially in the day and age of social media. If establishments don’t act accordingly, they’re going to risk losing business from future clientele.