'Joe Millionaire': Steven Shares His Reaction to Jennie's Sex-Trafficking Story (EXCLUSIVE)

Published Feb. 8 2022, 3:16 p.m. ET

Although Jennie Alexandra was sent home from Joe Millionaire: For Richer or Poorer in the Feb. 3, 2022 episode, she had been vulnerable with Steven McBee in a way he never expected. During their first one-on-one date in an earlier episode, Jennie explained that, six years before their discussion, she was a victim of sex trafficking. It was difficult for her to talk about, but she wanted to be open with him.
And in an exclusive interview with Distractify, Steven shares his reaction to Jennie's story. It was a surprising moment for him during their date, but on the show, he listened and expressed his respect and admiration for her.
Unfortunately, Jennie and Steven's connection wasn't strong enough for her to stick around much longer after their date, but she left a lasting impression on him.

Jennie Alexandra opened up about being a sex-trafficking victim years ago.
Jennie was one of the first women Steven developed feelings for during Joe Millionaire: For Richer or Poorer. He took her on a solo date to the opera and it was important for them both.
She told him she was a victim of sex trafficking and that her case went to trial four years after it happened. Jennie also said she worked so hard to take it to court so the same thing didn't happen to another woman.
She later explained on the Reality Steve podcast that by sex trafficking, she didn't mean she was sold into sexual slavery, which is what some viewers assumed when she mentioned the term. She said on the podcast that what happened to her falls into the realm of sex trafficking which involves being exploited and manipulated for sex or lurid photographs.
Jennie said that when she was a model years ago, she responded to an ad regarding clothed modeling. When she arrived at the set, things were different than advertised.
And, she explained, the man in charge of the shoot "used intimidation tactics" which resulted in a sex tape. The tape was uploaded to a pornographic website, unbeknownst to her.
Steven described his reaction to Jennie's sex-trafficking story on 'Joe Millionaire.'
Steven spoke with Distractify about Joe Millionaire: For Richer or Poorer and the moment during their date when Jennie opened up to him about her past experiences with sex trafficking.
"It was actually a complete blindside for me," Steven admitted. "My reaction that they show is legitimately the reaction that happened. Because basically we're sitting there eating dinner, and we take a break. She comes back into dinner, sits down at the table, and tells me that story and I am just absolutely floored."

Steven added that seeing the person Jennie became after enduring such a scarring experience helped him understand and respect her even more.
"Kurt and I have talked about it [and] Jennie is such a sweetheart, such a genuine caring person," Steven said. "And for her to have overcome something that traumatizing and still deal with the aftereffects of that [and] for her to be who she is today is truly a testament to her character, her strength, and who she is as a person."
Watch Joe Millionaire: For Richer or Poorer on Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on Fox.
If you or someone you know is being trafficked, these organizations can help: