Is There an After Credit Scene in 'John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum'?

Updated June 26 2019, 2:48 p.m. ET

Keanu Reeves is back with John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum — and fans are already wondering if it's worth sticking around after the end credits.
It seems pretty much par the course for every movie these days, and we may or may not have Marvel to thank for that. The comic book studio may not have started the notion of the post-credit scene, but they sure as heck popularized it and made it a vehicle for promoting future films is unmatched.
So, does John Wick 3 have an after credit scene?
To get you up to speed, the third movie follows the events of 2017's John Wick: Chapter 2, where the hard-boiled assassin was declared excommunicado for murking someone in the Continental Hotel — the film's super secret assassin club that's a neutral area for killers. So, offing someone there, especially a fellow member, is a huge no-no.
As a result of that, John had a $14 million hit put out on his head, and he was forced to battle his way through NYC to freedom.
The thing about that $14 million hit, however, is that it's worldwide, so the killer is still on the run in the third film, which is being hailed by many reviewers as the best in the entire series. It's ending also hints that there's a possible fourth film on the way, which many fans would probably appreciate, as awesome as trilogies are and all.

That, coupled with the fact that a John Wick TV series based around the Continental Hotel is in the works, means that an after-credits scene would make a ton of sense, especially since the last two films had one.
But Parabellum just doesn't have one, so it's probably best that after the credits start rolling, you head out of the theater and get to dinner so you can gush to your friend(s) or date about how much you loved the movie and how great of a guy Keanu Reeves is.
Or you could talk about how the franchise consistently pulls in great numbers for an R-Rated action series. Variety thinks that the flick will bring in $30-$40 million domestically, this weekend. Seeing as the first two films did so well and there's a ton of buzz in the third installment, it just might reach the higher end of that projection.

Part of the reason why the movies have done so well is Keanu's obvious enthusiasm with the role. Even if the man's performance is muted and understated, something that the actor's known for, his dedication to every situation in the movie been receiving tons of praise from cast and crew members.
I was an extra in the first John Wick film and got to chat with Reeves about motorcyles a bit between takes. He was constantly practicing his choreography, gun draws, stances, and maneuvers between takes. The guy's seriously dedicated to making the movies work.

You can check out tons of videos like these of Keanu tearing up gun training courses and targets, he's definitely embodying the role quite well. In addition to that, the amount of physical movement and training required of Keanu to perform in the movies, take after take, is quite laborious, and he underwent some serious regimens in order to perform at his peak.
It's easy to forget that Keanu is 54 years old, mostly because the man looks like he hasn't aged all that much since the late '80s, but also because he's so fluid in his movements in the films.

John Wick 3: Parabellum opens May 17th in theaters every where. Are you going to check it out?