Johnny and Bao Open up to Their Friends About the 'MAFS' Experiment (EXCLUSIVE CLIP)

Published Aug. 4 2021, 11:00 a.m. ET

In a sea of uncertainty that comes with Married at First Sight, Season 13 cast members Johnny and Bao have it a little easier than the other couples. Despite the show's experts carefully finding partners with no prior connections, they weren't aware that Bao and Johnny already knew each other. And, in many ways, it will probably work to the couple's advantage.
It turns out, Johnny and Bao met in college years ago and ran in some similar circles. But in an exclusive clip ahead of the Aug. 4, 2021, episode of Married at First Sight, Bao and Johnny's bridal party is surprised the bride and groom already know each other.
Johnny and Bao discuss their own surprise, excitement, and fears regarding the unknown ahead.

Johnny never imagined marrying Bao before 'Married at First Sight.'
In the clip, Johnny talks to his and Bao's bridal party about knowing Bao before they reunited on the show. He admits that he never saw Bao in a romantic light. That doesn't mean things won't work out for them, though. He admitted before that knowing Bao is a good person removes some of the stress inherent to joining Married at First Sight. And, he's hopeful for their future, despite marrying someone he passed up before.
"I hope that y'all see that we have chemistry, right off the bat," Johnny tells his and Bao's friends in the clip. "It may not be physical chemistry right now, but at least we have this baseline of common interests and we know each other. I hope to kind of break down those walls sooner rather than later."
Bao has "always had a little bit of a crush" on her new husband.
Bao admits to Johnny's groomsmen that she has had a crush on Johnny "since college." She never pursued him, though, which might be why his name wasn't listed among her exes or definite no-no's on the form for Married at First Sight.
She might have always kept him in the back of her mind as a slight option. In the clip, Bao says she never tried to pursue him.
"I'm always kind of a coward about those things, so I just left it," she says, of never trying to date Johnny. "But the universe has a plan in some bizarre way, because now he's my husband.
Now might be Bao's chance to finally see if things can work with Johnny. And they have several weeks to find out before Decision Day.
Johnny and Bao may have a different idea of physical boundaries.
Even though Bao admits she had a crush on Johnny before, her roommate informs Johnny that Bao could take a little while to warm up to being physical with him. And, Johnny admits, that could be a problem. He's big on touching, even in a playful way.
If Bao can't quickly work through her own feelings regarding physical touch, it could be the couple's first big issue.
Watch Married at First Sight on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST on Lifetime.