This Is Why There Isn't a Post-Credit Scene in 'Joker' [SPOILERS]

Updated Oct. 3 2019, 1:47 p.m. ET

The long-awaited origin story Joker hits theaters Oct. 4, and like most superhero-style movies, everyone wants to know what the after-credits scene will look like. What teasers will be released for the upcoming Batman movie, starring Robert Pattinson? Are there more DC superhero — or supervillain — movies that will be revealed in that two-minute clip to keep us waiting for more?
Well, don't get your hopes up for anything, because there isn't going to be an after-credits scene for Joker. That's right — you can pack up your popcorn and hightail it out of the theater as soon as the credits roll because writer and director Todd Phillips wants to keep this movie as much of a standalone as he can.
Why isn't there an after-credits scene in Joker?
It's likely because Joker is meant to be an origin story for the supervillain. Meant as a social commentary for the effects that PTSD and other traumatic experiences can have on someone mentally ill, Joker is meant to stay as far away as possible from the current DC universe of Wonder Woman and Superman.
This is, quite literally, the only standalone superhero movie in any superhero franchise that is not meant to have a sequel. The lack of a post-credit scene solidifies Todd's desire to make this movie a one-shot — no further films necessary.
"The idea of a post-credits scene in this movie would seem wrong, and a little too light for me," director Todd tells GamesRadar. "That wouldn't have been something we did. But Joaquin [Phoenix] said it would be funny to put bloopers alongside the names like they did in the old days."
They still vetoed the blooper idea, probably because that also would've been too lighthearted for the dark and twisty tale.

Joker spoilers — you know you want them.
And we have them. The clown man's origin has been discussed in movies previously, but never like this. The movie opens with Arthur Fleck (the Joker) being released from a mental hospital, taking seven different medications a day and suffering from an uncontrollable laugh. He wants to be a comedian, so he subs as a clown at children's birthday parties during the day while attending open mics at night.
Between his failed comedy career, taking care of his mother (who he lives with), and his concoction of mental illnesses, Joaquin's Joker starts a class riot of sorts after shooting three men on the subway who harass a woman and subsequently attack him. He becomes a vigilante of sorts for the poor to rebel against the rich — and Bruce Wayne's father, Thomas Wayne, is the face of the rich in this movie.
We won't say too much else, because if you want to get the whole story, you should see the movie. But we will say, the movie suggests that Batman and the Joker might actually be related.

Is the movie even good?
Well, the reviews are mixed on this one. One of the pre-screenings for the Joker movie received an eight-minute long standing ovation, appearing as though the movie was bound to be a hit. But that seems to be one of the few instances where there was nothing but positive feedback.
Most of the reviews coming out are praising Joaquin's acting, saying that his performance is what's making it worth seeing. The film, which is meant to provide current social commentary while telling the origin story of the Joker, has fallen flat for many reviewers. The Guardian says "The film grasps for ways to cheekily telegraph its relevance... the film isn’t daring enough to pass as truly nihilistic."
Basically, if you're going for the conversation it's trying to start, you'll likely be disappointed. If you just want to see a new actor's take on the Joker, it's definitely worth your time to see.