Will Jon Snow Ride a Dragon in Season 8 of 'Game of Thrones'?

Updated March 19 2020, 6:45 p.m. ET

Ever since it was revealed in Game of Thrones (and a long time before it was official, official) that Jon Snow was a Targaryen, people wanted to know when the Winterfell-raised, member of the Night's Watch was going to saddle up and ride one of those giant leather chickens into battle.
Especially after Season 7's tragic turn that saw Viserion morphed into a Wight or White Walker or Iceified version of his dragon self, and the Night King hopped on his back and began destroying the white wall, the thought that popped into everyone's heads was, "Holy f--k are we gonna see a dragon rider battle?"
And even if you didn't think that last season, well, I hate to break it to you, but you're thinking it now, because it would be awesome.
So, will Jon snow ride a dragon in Season 8?
Although nothing's certain, the show's definitely done a lot of foreshadowing to lead us to believe that he will. He did approach Rhaegal, cautiously, and the dragon was totally into Jon because he could sniff the Targaryen blood in him. Seeing as Dany's a Targaryen and she's riding dragons, and Jon's leading an army and will be in a position to rally the troops, it seems kinda insane that he wouldn't hop on a dragon to get some soldier blood flowing.
I mean wouldn't you want your general flying on a dragon in front of you before you're about to plunge your sword into some monster's neck?

Which dragon will Jon Snow ride?
Let's imagine for a second that the writers of the show aren't total losers and decide to make the correct decision to put Jon on top of a monstrous dragon, maybe with some '80s electric guitar in the background.
Well which one is he going to get on top of? Drogon? Or Rhaegal?
Seeing as Drogon is named about Daenerys' dearly departed Khal, it'd be kinda weird for Jon to get on top of that particular mythical beast. Especially because Rhaegal is named after Jon's real father: Rhaegar Targaryen. Only seems right for son and father (metaphorically) to lay waste to some bad guys together.

Who are the three dragon riders?
Those who read the books might remember the prophetic dream where Rhaegar (Daenerys' dead brother) says that "the dragon has three heads." Many thought that this was interpreted as three different dragons having three separate dragon riders — all of them Targaryen.
That led some people to think that Tyrion Lannister — who is partly Targaryen himself — would be one of those riders.
That could very well be the case, but after we've seen what happened to Viserion and watching the Night King ride that bad boy, it could very well be that it'll only be Dany and Jon Snow riding Drogon and Rhaegal respectively.
Or, maybe all three Targaryens will be riding dragons, but they won't be flying together. Which might mean bad news for those who hoped Dany and Jon Snow would end up together.
There's a longstanding theory that Dany will be turned into a White Walker courtesy of the Night King himself, and the fact that there was a leaked cast footage of Emilia Clarke filming a scene with the actor who plays the Night King has got a lot of people worried that this will be the case.
So Tyrion and Jon might need to team up and lay waste to Dany, who's riding Viserion.
Dragon-riding, in the books at least, is explained as an art, and during the glory days of the Targaryen empire, skilled dragon riders were in high demand come war-time. If the Night King is trying to take over the realm, then he's going to want to put someone who's a natural at dragon riding at the helm of Viserion — and Dany was literally born to do it.
Of course there are some people who think Cersei may become the Night Queen.

Can Jon Snow be burned?
At the end of Season 1, we saw Daenerys burn with Khal Drogo, and literally emerge from the flames with a bunch of dragons draped around her shoulders. But is that because she's 100 percent Targaryen, nasty incest and all?
If that's the case, then that probably means Jon Snow won't be impermeable to dragon's fire. But we don't even need to speculate about this, because we've seen the dude get hurt by fire in the show before.

In Season 1, during the Wight attack, we see him grab a lantern and he burns his hand on it. If you read the books, then you'll recall that George R.R. Martin describes his recovery from the burn in pretty gruesome detail, as well.
Some still argue though that after Snow's "rebirth" he attained some special powers that "activated" his Targaryen-ness, courtesy of Melisandre's magic.
But everyone's got a theory about everything Game of Thrones related. We'll have to wait until April 14th to find out.