New Trailer Hints Jon Snow Will Die (Again) in 'Game of Thrones' Season 8

Updated April 2 2019, 12:41 p.m. ET

Another day, another Game of Thrones trailer (or three) to get fans hyped up for the eighth and final season of the HBO series.
This time, the clues seemingly point to the demise of several main characters, including Jon Snow, who fans of the show know already died and came back to life in Season 6.
So, why are fans convinced Jon Snow will not survive to sit on the Iron Throne?
It all has to do with his sword, Longclaw.
The first two trailers look relatively tame, with no major spoilers. However, in the third trailer dubbed "Aftermath," a scene showing Winterfell after the highly anticipated Season 8 battle don't show any sign of life. In fact, it shows the prized possessions of several main characters without their owners.
First, fans noticed Jaime Lannister's golden hand, then the camera pans to Tyrion Lannister's pin, and finally you see Jon Snow's sword buried in the snow.
So, is Jon Snow really dead?
"THAT WAS JAMIE LANNISTER'S HAND and JON’S SWORD, LONGCLAW?!?? Don’t do this to me HBO," one fan tweeted before adding, "I accept that Jon Snow is highly likely to die. But not just episodes in. Just no. No. No. No."
Another optimistic viewer speculated that Jon, Jaime, and Tyrion all escaped, commenting, "Omg.. Dead everywhere... They Have killed everyone or they escaped... Golden Company can help them too."

However, another die-hard fan found a deeper meaning for the objects featured in the trailer.
"My wish list for meaning: Tyrion's pin — Jon King so no longer a thing, Needle — [Arya] had to drop it to use dragon glass, Feather and Bran’s chair — Bran flies now, Jaime's hand — he's dead, Longclaw — [Jon] has a Targeryen sword now," they explained. "But it’s George R.R. Martin so they’re probably all dead."
We don't know what to think...
Jon Snow has lost his sword before...
This wouldn't be the first time Jon has "misplaced" his sword. The Valyrian steel sword – which was originally owned by Jorah Mormont — was a gift from Lord Jeor Mormont to Jon after he saved his life from a wight. Jeor replaced the bear that was originally on the pommel with a direwolf, the sigil of House Stark.
However, during Season 2, Jon briefly loses his sword when Craster takes it from him after he discovers exactly what the Free Folk do with his newborn sons. Luckily, Lord Mormont is able to return the sword to Jon and warns him to never lose it again.

The reunion is short-lived, and Jon's snow is once again taken from him by the wildlings who captured him beyond the wall. He gets it back when Ygritte throws it to him when he is forced to battle Qhorin Halfhand to infiltrate the group and meet Mance Rayder.
Into Season 3, Jon Snow is officially reunited with Longclaw once he has gained Mance Rayder's trust. From there on out, Longclaw is by Jon's side — minus that time he was temporarily dead — as he fought in the Battle of the Bastards, and in Season 7 when he went beyond the wall again to fight the White Walkers.
Sword aside, fans have other Jon Snow theories about his fate, and TBH most are not pretty. But it is Game of Thrones after all...
Watch the season premiere of Game of Thrones Sunday April 14 at 9 p.m. on HBO.