Joy Might Actually Be Brandon's Frontrunner After All on 'Farmer Wants a Wife'
Brandon originally saw Joy's lack of empathy as a major red flag on 'Farmer Wants a Wife.'

Published April 11 2024, 10:00 p.m. ET

When Brandon opened up to Joy about his personal life on Farmer Wants a Wife and she failed to show much emotion, it set off some alarm bells for him. Where was the empathy and care he had hoped to get from her in return for opening up about himself? For Brandon, it almost meant sending Joy home early. But in the April 11 episode, when he and Joy sit down to talk about it, he gets another surprise from Joy.
She tearfully shares that the reason behind her sometimes callous responses have to do with being diagnosed with epilepsy as a child and going through a lot with her health and medication. And in a strange way, Joy opening up to Brandon this time might have actually saved her from going home and turned her into his number one choice.

'Farmer Wants a Wife's Joy was diagnosed with epilepsy.
Joy explains on the Farmer Wants a Wife episode that there is a reason behind her behavior and sometimes lack of strong emotions for other people. Just talking about it brings her to tears, which might have been enough to help Brandon understand her. But after she opens up more, they seem to find a deeper connection.
"I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 12," Joy tells Brandon. I used to have seizures in my sleep quite often. It was like the worst pain you could ever feel in your life. Like, I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy."
She also explains that "it only got worse" when it was hard for her mom to afford the right care she needed. Since then, things have been more manageable for Joy. But because of her experience, she says, she has a hard time empathizing with people whose issues or struggles aren't as severe as her own because of everything she went through herself.
And this helps Brandon connect with Joy so deeply that he even asks her to go on his final solo date. Whereas it once seemed like he might be ready to say goodbye to her, Brandon seems to have renewed feelings for Joy.

Does Joy end up with Brandon on 'Farmer Wants a Wife'?
Brandon has some difficult decisions to make in the final few episodes of Farmer Wants a Wife Season 2. He has to choose between Joy, Grace, and Emerson. Grace might be the toughest competition for Joy in terms of how close Brandon has gotten to her. Emerson, on the other hand, is a newbie, as she arrived later in the season than the other ladies, so her connection with Brandon probably isn't strong enough for him to choose her to be with.
Right now, it looks promising for Joy. Opening up to Brandon and literally crying together isn't something that anyone would take lightly, going into final decisions.
Watch Farmer Wants a Wife on Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on Fox.