This 'Just Dance' Dancer Shows off the Work Behind the Scenes That Goes Into Being in the Game

Published Nov. 29 2023, 6:45 p.m. ET
The Gist:
- A Just Dance dancer has dedicated her whole TikTok to offering folks a behind-the-scenes look at the game.
- She originally started as a fan of the games.
- Some of her trivia includes game design as well as intricate character lore.
As a game series, Just Dance is a bit of a curio. Taking cues from similar games like Dance Dance Revolution, this ongoing party game franchise places players on the dance floor to follow the beat and on-screen prompts so they can jam to some of the most popular hits.
The first Just Dance game came out in 2009 and has released new annual installments ever since. Its regular release schedule even kept the Nintendo Wii relevant all the way up until 2019, years after the Nintendo Switch came out.
For all intents and purposes, it's a harmless group game that normie gamers tend to break out at parties or play on their own. However, one TikToker has gone out of her way to share some interesting tidbits and shocking factoids that go on behind the scenes for Just Dance. Let's break down what she's shared so far.
This 'Just Dance' dancer offers a deep dive into how the game is made.
If you've ever played a Just Dance title before, you probably know what it looks like. A white silhouette "coach" in wacky clothing appears on the screen and guides you through the dance prompts for a given song so that you can try to perform them correctly and in rhythm.
Well, one of those coaches is Avery (@littlesiha on TikTok), who appears in Just Dance 2024 Edition which was released in October 2023.
As a huge Just Dance fan, this TikToker has become a sensation on the platform as she shares some of the ins and outs of designing a title. According to her, she started as a fan of the game and played it with her cousins when she was young and has always dreamed of being one of the dance coaches. Talk about a full-circle moment!
As such, Avery hasn't been shy about sharing what went into her part in the game as a dancer. Some of the details may surprise you.
For instance, those white silhouette coaches in the game aren't just for show. Avery was actually painted completely white in preparation for her dance number. Apparently, her whole head had to be airbrushed white before she began recording. Afterward, she was made to put on a white body suit and had her actual costume stitched over it. She also had to wear a special glove on her hand in order to indicate which hand the player should hold their Joy-Con in.
After that, filming for her dance map began. As such, she shared plenty of videos where she danced to various songs in front of a green screen during her recording sessions.
In case you ever wanted more insight into how a Just Dance game gets made every year, just check out Avery's dedicated TikTok and her dream come true!