Entitled Karen Blocks an Available Parking Spot With Her Baby, Divides the Internet
“As a mother, I would never have my stroller causally on the pavement especially while on the phone,” one person commented.

Updated April 2 2024, 3:58 p.m. ET
There's always a fine line when it comes to accommodating people traveling with children. That may sound like it has to do specifically with air travel, but it extends further than you think. By and large, a new parent is likely dealing with a lot of struggle when it comes to raising a new baby. So the least that the rest of us can do is hold the door for them or offer a seat on public transport whenever possible.
Unfortunately, one relatively new mom is out to ruin it for the rest of the new parents out there. After all, it's not every day that someone takes their baby and uses it to prop up their own self-entitlement. This Karen was caught on camera blocking a parking spot with her baby and her behavior is baffling at best. Here's what happened and why the internet is divided over it.
This Karen tried to block an open parking space with her baby and had some audacity doing so.
TikTok user @aquino03031 first posted the incident in late November 2022. According to OP, the incident took place in Montclair, N.J.
OP had apparently waited in the parking space for a full five minutes before they started recording the Karen spotted in the wild. At the time of recording, she was standing in the middle of a parking space on the side of the road with her baby in the stroller.
"Please move," OP states in the video. "I need to park here."
"You're gonna hit my child?" the Karen asks with a dry chuckle.
"No, I wanna park!"
She then claimed that her husband had dropped them off and was looping around in order to park back there. However, no one else had arrived for the duration of the video, forcing the Karen to vacate and give the parking spot to the driver. However, she then had the audacity to take a picture of OP's license plate number and boast about it before leaving.
Interestingly enough, this video has divided the internet. Most folks in the comments of the video seem to be on OP's side, viewing the woman as trying to wave her entitlement in a complete stranger's face.
"I would have been petty and honked my horn just to wake the baby to make her life worse," one TikToker claimed.
Plenty of others agreed that the horn absolutely would have been a factor in a situation like this.
However, folks on Reddit mostly sided with the mother in the video. Some Redditors claimed that she and anyone else she might have been riding with had a right to the space by having been there first.
"If I saw someone standing in a spot, especially with a stroller, I would be like 'oh they called it,'" one person claimed. "Giving parents of young babies the benefit of the doubt is just a generally kind thing to do."
Both sides make valid points, but let's investigate a little. When the mom was first asked if she could move, she immediately opened up with a guilt trip about the driver hitting her child before explaining that she was waiting for her husband with the car.
And if OP's claim is to be believed that he'd waited there for several minutes before recording, that seems like a long time for the husband to make a simple loop-around. The husband didn't even show up in the end!
In all likelihood, we can chalk this one up to Karens being Karens when it comes to their entitlement.