Karen Hits Woman’s Car, Yells at Victim to “Get Away From Me”!

Published Aug. 1 2023, 3:54 p.m. ET
Even the best drivers can face the unfortunate fate of getting into a car accident. When it happens, the safest drivers ensure they have credentials like their insurance information handy to make the process run as smoothly as possible.
But those who do everything the “right” way still find themselves involved in drama once they discover the person who hit them’s true intentions.
One family experienced firsthand that discrimination is alive and well in nearly every situation. While confronting the person who hit her car, a woman was appalled by the “Karen’s” behavior towards her and her tribe.
Keep reading for the entire story!

A woman recorded a Karen claiming she was harassed after hitting the victim’s car.
Unfortunately, while many trends have faded away, Karens have continued lurking around unsuspecting coffee shops and local malls and don’t seem to be going away anytime soon. In June 2023, one TikTok user, Genova Allen (@genova0815), witnessed a Karen in one of her natural habitats — her car.
During an outing with her family, Genova endured the Karen side-swiping her car while speeding out of a Chuck E. Cheese parking lot. The older woman hit the driver’s side of Genova’s car, leaving her with multiple scratches on her car, a broken headlight, and a flat tire.
After checking on her kids and inspecting the damage, Genova approached the woman who hit her to obtain her insurance information, which is a standard practice in the event of a car accident.
However, when Genova recorded herself asking Karen for her car information, she quickly became unhinged and threatened to call the police. Genova calmly explained to the woman that the “police are on their way,” which clearly upset the woman even more.
“I'm calling them,” Karen told Genova of her insurance provider.“Get away from me, you b----!”
Genova continued posting the Karen in another video. In the second TikTok, the woman had a brand new attitude and tried to shed a few “crocodile tears” once the police got involved. While speaking to the white female officer, Karen explained that she had recently bought her car and was upset about the damage to the front of it. She also told the officer she “hopes everyone is OK,” which was the exact opposite of the behavior she displayed in Genova’s first TikTok.
After exposing the Karen who hit her car, the woman received mixed reviews online.
In addition to showing her exchange with Karen, who damaged her and her family’s car, Genova also shared a TikTok of how severe the damage to her car was and how she and Karen could’ve avoided getting the police — and cell phone cameras — involved.
“For all the people saying, ‘Why ask for insurance? Just wait for the cops,’ it was a minor fender bender, where we could have simply exchanged insurance and she could have been on her way,” Genova explained in her third TikTok caption. “My car had the flat, not hers. Cops were called because she took one look at us and tried to play the victim.”
During her fourth TikTok about the accident, Genova explained that she felt Karen was intentionally being rude to her because she realized Genova is Hispanic, her husband is Black, and her children are biracial. Genova felt the woman was racially biased and would’ve been more compliant had Genova and her family been white.
Underneath her TikToks, those who followed the story were disgusted by the Karen’s actions against Genova and her family. However, in between the well-wishes, thoughts, and prayers, several users couldn’t help themselves from caping for the elderly white woman.
Many commenters made shady comments toward Genova, insulting her car and stating she could use the accident to remove the “rust” that comes with owning an older vehicle. Others scolded Genova for recording the incident and begged her and her TikTok community to “leave that poor lady alone.” No, seriously.
The backlash of recording her and Karen’s issues caused Genova to release another TikTok explaining why she chose to share the chaos online. After asking some of her naysayers “get help” for spewing their hate, Genova said she felt well within her right to show Karen’s true colors.
“I posted because if she didn’t care about screaming at me, calling me out my name, disrespecting me, and degrading me in front of my kids, then I don’t care about showing how ugly of a human she is to the world,” Genova stated.