Kate Didn't Find Love on 'Kate Plus Date' so What's Next?
Updated Nov. 19 2020, 9:57 p.m. ET

The Gosselins are one of those families who were at the right place at the right time, with the right number of kids. At least, that's how we imagine Kate Gosselin landed a spot on TLC with Jon and Kate Plus 8 back in 2007, before her family affair devolved into a number of spinoffs — most recently, Kate Plus Date.
Kate Plus Date followed the blonde mother of eight as she tried to navigate the dating field, following her very messy and public divorce from ex-husband Jon Gosselin.
Alas, she couldn't find love on the series. But now, in 2020, did she find a boyfriend? It looks like Kate may have a few other things to worry about.

Does Kate Gosselin have a boyfriend?
According to Radar Online, who covered every messy off-screen episode in the Gosselin saga, Kate did not find love on her Monday night TLC show, and today, is still single.
And we're guessing this development comes a) as a shock to no one, and b) exactly the way Kate wanted her show to go all along.
"You have to remember," a source told podcaster Rob Shuter, "that the main reason Kate did this new show wasn't romance," adding what Kate's main reasons were: "money and getting back on TV."
In fact, it sounds like Kate would have taken a show about anything in order to pay her bills and get back in front of America's TV screens.
"Had Kate been offered a travel show or a fashion show," the source continued, "we would be watching her traveling around the world or doing makeovers, but 'dating' was all that producers offered and that is why we are seeing Kate with a bunch of possible love interests."
But it wouldn't be the first time Kate lied about her dating life.
Kate's been taking a pretty long social media break, not having posted on Instagram since Oct. 2019, but it does appear that she was single at the time of her last post. And it seems like she's been single since. But, then again, it can be hard to tell with her.

Kate has led us to believe that she hadn't been linked to anyone since her bitter 2009 divorce from Jon. She slammed claims that she had gone out with her married bodyguard, Steve Neild, and maintained that she "didn't date" millionaire Jeff Prescott, adding not to believe "people who sell stories" because "they are looking for publicity to benefit themselves/their business."
However, Jeff himself decided to face the media to add his side to the story that had, until then, only been told through Kate's lens. And according to him, the two dated for nearly two years and were serious enough about their relationship that Jeff even looked into buying a home close to hers in Pennsylvania.
"She can say she didn't date me, but how do you qualify that if I was supposed to be on her show as her boyfriend?" Jeff dished to Radar. The media outlet was able to corroborate Jeff's claims through emails that showed he was going to appear on her former reality show, Kate Plus 8, back in 2015.
"For her to imply I was selling stories — If I was about that, I would have signed up for the show!" he continued, adding that he broke up with Kate after living in the public eye became "too much for me."
Jon has had some thoughts about Kate's mothering...and so has TLC.
Jeff isn't the only one of Kate's exes to speak out about her. Her ex-husband Jon told Dr. Oz in Nov. 2019 that Kate's "belief system is skewed." For the first time, he was able to speak about what happened in the 2009 divorce from his own perspective, because he had to agree to a ten-year gag order as a part of the custody deal.
"I’ve spent $1.7 million in lawyer fees, from when TLC sued me and my divorce," he said. “Kate on the other hand, TLC paid for her attorneys in the lawsuit and for her divorce. So I financed it by myself and she was financed by the network. I didn’t understand at first why. But now I understand why. All she wanted was legal custody to film my kids to sustain her lifestyle and their lifestyle. See, it gets all warped. That’s fame now, see? It just twists things around.”
He also alleged that his children have suffered abuse and have been manipulated into hating him. Moreover, he attests that his biggest goal remains getting his kids off of TV. Which he might have actually succeeded in doing.
According to RadarOnline, Jon took Kate to court for filming four of their children, who had been barred from filming in a previous court decision. Not only did Jon win the case, but the mom of eight revealed in court that TLC had terminated their relationship with her.
We might not we hear anything about Kate's love life — or anything about Kate — for a while.