A Glimpse at Katie Thurston's Dating History From Before She Was 'The Bachelorette'

Published June 7 2021, 9:02 p.m. ET

Whenever you go on a date with someone new, one of the biggest questions on your mind is probably the other person’s dating history. Once you know that, you can figure out a lot more about them — like what makes them tick, if there are any red flags, and what might make a budding relationship work. Now that we have a new Bachelorette, it’s kind of like we’re on a date with Katie Thurston, and we need to know who her ex-boyfriends are.
Season 17 of The Bachelorette is rumored to be filled with the most sex-positive and funny cast of characters yet. And while we know that Katie Thurston is hilarious herself, we actually don’t know much about her dating history. So who are Katie Thurston’s ex-boyfriends? Here's what we know.

Katie Thurston’s most recent ex-boyfriend is Matt James (obviously).
Does Matt James really count, though? He also had about 15 other girlfriends at the time. Then again, that’s how we met Katie and Matt is the ex-boyfriend we’re definitely most familiar with.
However, her relationship with Matt isn’t what made her the most memorable contestant from his season. We loved seeing her interact and stand up for the girls being bullied in the house, but we’re not exactly sure what her dating style is.

However, Matt and Katie did have a super fun one-on-one date. We never saw Matt laugh more, but he sent Katie home anyway. Their date felt more like two friends playing pranks on their friend, Tyler, instead of a romantic connection, so it wasn't not too surprising when Matt decided to send Katie home.
Nonetheless, Katie drove away from Matt’s season of The Bachelor remarking that she could already picture their future together. Girl, we feel you!
One of Katie’s ex-boyfriends outed himself on Instagram.
There’s one man from Katie’s past who definitely doesn’t mind being in the spotlight. Comedian Andrew Rivers jokes in his stand-up act that he and Katie met on a Tinder date. But it didn’t actually go too well, and she ended up getting a nosebleed in the middle of the date. They actually could never make it work for another date, but it seems like they’re pretty good friends now.
Katie is something of a comedian in her own right, and was even a little bit TikTok famous before she went on The Bachelor. She used to joke all the time about being a single cat lady, and now she’s clearly leveled up into Bachelorette cat lady, and we couldn’t be prouder. Her kind-of-ex-boyfriend Andrew said that he was rooting for her but also hoped she got second place.
Katie has hinted at another ex-boyfriend she traveled to Taiwan with.
According to a recent Reddit thread, Katie discussed traveling to Taiwan with an ex-boyfriend during an "Ask Me Anything" session on Instagram. In the AMA, Katie stated her favorite place she ever went was Taiwan. “They don't cater to American tourism which makes it interesting. Not going to lie though, it did help that my ex-boyfriend’s family interpreted for us," she said.
So the assumption is that her ex-boyfriend may be of Taiwanese descent, and that he and Katie were pretty serious, but we don’t know to what degree either of those is actually true.
However, Katie’s ex-boyfriends don’t matter anymore! Now, we get to see Katie’s future boyfriends and relationships play out before our very eyes. And maybe we’ll even see her future husband.
Tune into new episodes of The Bachelorette every Monday at 8 p.m. on ABC.