Claudia Conway Claims Her Mother, Kellyanne, Got Her Arrested

Updated Aug. 7 2020, 1:09 p.m. ET

"How do i get in touch with pro bono lawyers," reads one of Claudia Conway's latest tweets.
The 15-year-old says her mother and counselor to the president, Kellyanne Conway, recently got her arrested. It wouldn't be the first time that Claudia's parents turned to draconian punishments. They made her delete her social media accounts after she posted a few anti-Trump videos in July 2020 as well. So, what went down between Kellyanne and her daughter?
Kellyanne Conway's daughter, Claudia, opened up about her arrest in a recent TikTok live... kind of.
As Claudia alleged in a TikTok live posted on Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020, she recently got arrested thanks to her mother. Unfortunately, the clip is no longer available. However, the 15-year-old also posted a few posts to make light of the supposed incident.

Claudia created a humorous reinterpretation of the arrest, with which she satirizes the conversation that took place between her, her mother, and the police officers — but does not make it clear what exactly happened.
"sing the lyrics or we arrest your daughter for something she didn't do," goes the caption of the video.
"my mom: I DONT KNOW THEM," goes the caption accompanying the footage capturing Claudia's purposefully over-exaggerated impression of her mother.
"*arrests me,*" reads the last caption.
This was the first TikTok in which Claudia mentioned that she was potentially arrested, but far from the last one. In a clip posted on the same day, she talked about why her mother turned to law enforcement for help.
"kellyanne just called me and said im putting her life in danger by speaking out and how im gonna get arrested again for making "false allegations BAJDHIWJDIWJSIEJEIWKW" read the caption.
Unfortunately, there are no publicly available police records of Claudia's alleged arrest. She didn't post any photos, videos, or TikTok lives when the incident took place. Thus far, she has only provided anecdotal evidence.
"claudia conway just went live on tiktok and talked about how her mother has physically and emotionally abused her for years and had her arrested for fake assault charges a few weeks ago.......someone get this girl emancipated STAT," a fan tweeted a summary of the contents of the TikTok live Claudia posted on Aug. 8, 2020.
Claudia is an outspoken critic of the Trump Administration, and one counselor in particular.
As a self-described radical agnostic liberal/leftist, Claudia has a long track record of sharing anti-systematic content on social media. She regularly takes it to Twitter to stand up against ICE, demand a healthcare reform, and to draw attention to President Donald Trump's failures during the coronavirus pandemic.
She's not afraid to draw attention to the role her mother has played in exacerbating already existing social injustices. Neither does she shy away from highlighting her shortcomings as a parent.
"how can you possibly compare SUICIDE rates to COVID-19 fatality rates amongst TEENAGERS? as your daughter who has struggled with suicidality in the past, you make no sense. i-" Claudia tweeted on Friday, July 31.
"It’s sad that Kellyanne chose to raise trump abandoning her husband and children," she retweeted an observation originally made by fellow Twitter user Kindofsmooth25.