“No Kids at My Wedding” — Toddler Wipes Face on Bride’s Gown, Sparking Debate

Updated Jan. 24 2024, 4:18 p.m. ET

Kids see the entire world as one great big, soft, tissuey, napkin-ey canvas for them to wipe their grubby little paws and runny little noses all over, especially when they haven't learned how to blow their noses yet.
This means that when they finally do sneeze, they usually propel a sizable amount of thick, multiple-days-back-up booger gel right from out of their noses and all over their chins, and they're going to find the first place they can to rid themselves of the gross substance.
The same goes for any food that they have such a difficult time getting entirely into their mouths. Often, at least half of what they eat ends up on their cheeks and lips, or on couch cushions, car seats, curtains, people's clothing, or anything else they see as suitable wiping services.
Oftentimes, it's the person closest next to them who ends up being the unlucky recipient of their face-wiping rampage. This is something that this bride learned, and took in stride, in a viral TikTok posted by user @thefoxysaystwins.
In the video, a bride can be seen posing for the camera, as a little toddler walks up to her dress, grabs it, and then begins wiping her face all over it.
A text overlay in the video reads: "When you can't find a napkin so you use the bride's dress." Initially, the bride doesn't know what's going on, but when she looks down and sees what the kid is doing, she can't help but laugh.
In a caption for the post, the TikToker quipped: "Do not recommend serving ketchup with the chicken nuggets and fries for the kiddie meal…or just don’t invite kids"

Numerous commenters who responded to the post said that the post is a prime example as to why it's never a good idea to invite children to a wedding celebration.
"No kids at my wedding," one person penned.
Another said: "Child free wedding," while another remarked, "This. This right here is reason #43 of why you should have a child free wedding"
Someone else seemed to take issue with the fact that the kids' mother seemed to be downplaying the kids' lack of manners, writing: "The mom laughing would’ve sent me over the edge"

Which is a sentiment someone else echoed, who wrote: "My anger issue could never love the bride she’s so nice mom gotta do better"
It just seemed like there were a lot of folks who didn't think that having kids at a wedding was a good idea: "i used to not understand when people said no kids at their wedding but i think i understand now."
The question of whether or not it's considered "rude" to prohibit kids from coming to your wedding celebration has been discussed heavily online.

Matrimony-focused website, The Knot compiled a list of several "dos and don't of having an adults-only wedding" stating that while it may be considered bad form to emblazon "adults only" on the general wedding invitation, individually inviting guests by name, and getting the word out through family and friends that children are persona non grata would be a better way of handling it.
The outlet also recommends putting the invitation stipulation on your wedding website would also be a good way to rule out any kids being present on your very special day.
Wedding Wire has also listed some helpful tips for the ways in which you can tell folks you don't want their little snot bags ruining your centerpieces and cutting up the dance floor with their Blippi inspired moves, and there were several users who responded to this Quora post who don't think there's anything wrong with stipulating that kids aren't welcome either.

What do you think? Is it all right to insist that there's no kids present at your very serious and grown-up celebration of your eternal love (or eventual settlement)? Or do you think that's whack and kids are the ones who end up having the most fun at these things without being inebriated, but just act like they are?