“That Kid Definitely Doesn’t Have His License” — Driver’s Awkward Double Hit and Run Goes Viral

Published Nov. 28 2023, 9:10 a.m. ET

A woman captured a teen attempting to hit and run after ramming his vehicle into her car, only to get into yet another accident after trying to escape. Instead of waiting for the police to arrive and sussing out the situation, the young man ultimately tries quitting the situation entirely in one of the most bizarre hit-and-run encounters ever uploaded to social media.
Footage of the strange unfolding of events was uploaded to the Volume Up (@volumeupvids) TikTok account. The video begins with a young man wearing a baseball cap on top of his red mullet, he's also rocking teal shorts and leopard print Crocs.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to. This is my mom's car and I was moving it," he explains to someone off, a pleading look on his face.
The voice of a woman can be heard off camera: "Okay well you need to call your mom up here and give me your insurance card...I'm calling the police," she says.
She then begins to record the back of the car along with the damage sustained to a blue sedan, which is presumably her vehicle, on the right side of the vehicle. It looks like the young man driving the car must've tried pulling it out at a weird angle and inadvertently smashed into her car, damaging the rear-left wheel well.
The young man in question doesn't respond to her inquiry, but instead reverses the car out of the parking spot and begins to drive away. She captures his license plate on video, along with the red-mullet rocking teen leaving the scene of the accident behind the wheel of the black SUV.

However, he's unable to drive in a straight line and instead of making a getaway, he smashes into the back of a blue parked pickup truck. Another person outside in the lot can be heard calling him "crazy" adding that he's a "f---- idiot."
He then parks the truck and begins to run away with the keys to the vehicle in his hand, the woman off camera can be heard telling someone else to get inside of her car, presumably as a means of ensuring no one gets hurt by the young man's erratic driving.
TikTokers who saw the video were shocked that the man managed to pull a hit and run after already trying to perform a hit and run. A number of folks on the platform all made the same joke:
"bro did a hit and run while hit and running"
"Hit and run twice in one video while wearing Leopard slippers is wild"

Commenter after commenter expressed their shock that the young man was performing a hit and run immediately after partaking in a hit and run:
"Not him actually having to run after a a double hit and run"
"The slowest hit and run ever," another wrote.
"that's not a hot and run. that's a hit and run and hit and run"
But there was someone else who said that the strange turn of events looked like something out of a nightmare where we feel our most power less: "This is like the dream you have that you can't control anything your doing and it's so frustrating"
But then there were those who just thought the increasingly worsening turn of events was just funny to watch: "Him physically running after the second hit and run on his crock slippers has me laughing"

So what was the reason for the young man's erratic behavior? A few commenters thought that the answer was simple: he was under the influence of something. Or, like one TikToker wrote: "That boy geeked"
While the TikTok account didn't post a follow-up video on the situation, there were folks who speculated as to why the young man seemed so scared. Perhaps he didn't have his driver's license and shouldn't be out driving the vehicle in question and after he ended up scraping it into someone else's car because he isn't a seasoned commuter, he panicked and found himself in even more trouble.

Or, like other folks said, he could just be really, really high or inebriated and didn't want to risk getting caught with a DUI, so he rather just quit the situation entirely. Or, it could have very well been a combination of the two aforementioned, "I hope mom doesn't find out," scenarios.
What do you think was behind the young man's erratic, albeit slow and clumsy, double hit-and-run behavior? Have you ever witnessed two accidents that could've been easily avoided, occur back to back in the same manner?