These Wholesome Halloween Trick-or-Treaters Put Their Own Candy Inside an Empty Bowl

Published Nov. 2 2023, 6:42 p.m. ET
Who doesn't love celebrating Halloween? Whether you're a kid going out trick-or-treating for a candy hoard or an adult who's eager to go out to a party or work celebration dressed up as Barbie and/or Ken from the Barbie movie, we all have a reason and an eagerness to partake in the spookiest season of the year.
Of course, kids have an especially fun time going out in costumes to add to their candy collection.
By that measure, you would think they would exercise a little greediness on All Hallows' Eve. After all, the evening presents a more-than-valid excuse for kids to receive and gorge on more free candy than they probably know what to do with. You'd expect them to go all out!
But in a surprising act of Halloween wholesomeness, a group of kids actually gave some of their candy away and placed it in an empty Halloween bowl. Check out the adorable video.

These Halloween trick-or-treaters gave up some of their candy in a selfless act.
Folks giving out candy on Halloween have come up with some creative ways to expedite the trick-or-treat process every year. One of the most popular ones is to leave out a specially designated bowl full of candy.
These are usually accompanied by signs that say "Take One" and an unspoken honor system stating that kids will obey the sign. It's a useful way to limit your interaction with throngs of trick-or-treaters while still letting them have their fun.
Of course, stock can still be limited and it's easy for folks to run out of candy in their unattended bowls. But in one adorable doorcam video posted on TikTok, a group of three selfless kids did something that no one would expect on Halloween.
"Don't worry," one of the children said cutely as they reached into their bag.
Without any prompting or suggestion, all three kids dug into their individual candy collections and left some of their candy in the bowl to replenish the stock.
They left behind a sizeable amount of candy, good for at least a few more groups of future trick-or-treaters. Of course, one of the kids did take just one preferred piece of candy back for himself.
Hey, he's a kid on Halloween! Can you blame him?
That said, the internet is absolutely blown away by the children's selfless act of Halloween kindness. Not many kids would give away their trick-or-treating haul unless they were trading each other, so they've easily set the bar for wholesome Halloween gestures.
"These kids got good parents," one TikToker commented.
"This is what I would love to see our future leaders look like," another person praised.
People even referenced other videos in which older kids and even full-blown adults would clear out Halloween bowls, saying that they could learn a thing or two from these kids.
When children give up their candy on the one evening a year when they can get practically as much as they can carry, you know those kids are going places.