"Why Are You up so Early?" — Woman Who Lives at Home Says She's "Triggered" by Her Mom's Questions

Published Dec. 13 2023, 11:44 a.m. ET
The struggle is real when you move back into your parents’ house after having lived by yourself.
I have experienced it and first and foremost there are some perks to the arrangement like either free rent or, if your parents charge you, reduced rent. There's also usually a kitchen full of food.
But there are also some downsides to living with your parents. You see, they’re always there and they always have so many questions. It’s like they live there or something. Wild, right?
It’s hard to explain, but somehow despite the comforts of living at home, pretty much everything they do irritates you. And it's not even their trying to be bothersome. It's you and your mood. You're the problem.
The woman in the TikTok below gets it. She unpacks why living with your parents is just a total drag at times.

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A woman who had to move back in with her parents explains why it's such a hassle to live with them.
“I feel like there are a lot of struggles with having to move back in with your parents after having lived on your own, but one of the biggest ones that’s been f------ with my mental health lately is my lack of privacy,” says a TikTok creator named Joyce in a video.
She explains that she’s not talking about her parents being intrusive if she's on the phone with a friend, or has someone over, but rather her personal privacy.
Joyce notes every morning she wakes up to the sounds of her parents toiling away in the house. And sometimes, her mom will even invite herself into her room to clean her bathroom.
But on that particular morning, Joyce woke up earlier than usual and decided to go to the kitchen for some water, where her mom asked her: "Why are you up so early?"
“It’s a seemingly innocent question that shouldn’t trigger me, but like when I was living alone no one questioned me why I did things," Joyce said. “It’s like why can’t I just wake up and drink water.”
She continues: “Why do I have to get up and explain to someone else why I’m doing something?”
“It’s not my parents' fault,” she admits. “I know it’s not. They’re allowed to talk to me.”
But she explains that it’s frustrating since she’s used to being by herself.

Joyce's video seemingly struck a chord with many other users who currently have or have had the same experience.
"Girl sometimes even a good morning will set me off lol,” shared one user in the comment section.
Another said, "I can't with the questions. 'Where are you going? With who? When are you coming home?' I dont know! It’s just innocent questions that set me off lol.”
And one person just wrote: “Literally me avoiding going downstairs because I don’t wanna be asked 100 questions.”

Other users commented on how bad it makes them feel that they get so riled up by their parents, who aren't doing anything wrong.
"Literally just seeing my dad on the couch triggers me sometimes and I feel so bad," read a comment. Joyce could relate and responded "FELT" to the user.

Another user remarked: "I just want to move out so bad bc at this point I feel bad for being angry all the time around them, if I had my own space I'd be happier overall."
That's for sure! But unfortunately, until the cost of living starts to decline, it seems a lot of adult children are going to have to deal with living with their parents.