Seriously Last-Minute Halloween Costumes You Can Throw Together at Home

Updated Oct. 24 2019, 3:43 p.m. ET

Halloween is about a week away. If you haven’t been planning your costume for months, that means you were either working too hard or too busy having a life. However, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a costume.
While it’s probably too late to put together something complicated and impressive and all the good store bought ones are already gone, it’s not too late to rummage through whatever you have on hand or same-day Amazon Prime something to your house.
There are a ton of funny, punny things you can be as well as some memes that take minimal effort. You can put most of these costumes together with household items, your siblings' stuff, and maybe a part of your spooky outfit from three years ago. So, if you have nothing to wear (and we know you don’t) check out these last minute costume ideas.
Last-minute Halloween costume ideas you can DIY at home:

Sugar Daddy/Mommy
All you’ll need is a bag of sugar and a baby stroller. Look in your kitchen for the sugar (or go to the store). Stroller-wise, see if your little sister still has one from childhood or if your mom kept one in storage.
Trash Bag
Get a big black garbage bag. Cut a hole in the bottom for your legs and holes in the sides for your arms. Close the draw string around your neck. Congratulations, you’re trash!

She was the meme of the season and now you can be her for Halloween. You’re going to need multiple scrunchies. You can get those anywhere from Target to Urban Outfitters to Amazon. You’re also going to need an oversized tee shirt, a Hydro Flask (don’t act like you don’t already have one) and clear lip gloss. Don’t forget to say “sksksk” and “and I oop!”
Pink Shirt Emoji Girl
This one is so easy. All you need is a pink shirt. Pick one of the poses she does and mimic it.

Bent Neck Lady
If you watched the Netflix series Hill House, you know she was a super scary woman with a bent neck who wore a long dress. For this look you’ll wear a long vintage looking dress (raid your closet or ask a friend). Hold your neck at a gross, bent angle for photos.
Brawny Man
The easiest way to be the Brawny man is to wear a plaid shirt, roll up the sleeves and carry around a thing of paper towels. You don’t actually have to be a man to be the Brawny guy, by the way. It’s 2019.

Shiv Roy
Succession was the TV show obsession of fall and depending on your job, you probably already have some of her trendy-professional pieces in your closet. Shiv loves a plaid pant, a suit jacket or a turtleneck. If you really want to go for it, buy a blonde lob (long bob) wig and prepare to plot your takeover of Waystar Royco.
Deviled Egg
You’re going to need a white tee, yellow paint (or yellow construction paper) and devil horns. Paint a big yellow circle in the middle of the white shirt (or cut out a yellow circle and tape it on). Put on the devil horns. You are now a deviled egg. Punny.

Bread Winner
This is a particularly easy costume to create should you have any medals or trophies laying around from middle school soccer or high school debate team. You’ll want to either wear or carry around one of your accolades, as well as a loaf of bread for this pun-heavy look.
Head to your local Target and purchase a baby doll and some duct tape. Tape the baby doll to the seat of your pants/dress/skirt/whatever you have on the lower half of your anatomy. When anyone asks what you are, turn around and show them the baby on your behind and say you’re a “babysitter.”