Wait, Conservative Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert Is Getting a Divorce? Details

Published May 18 2023, 3:48 p.m. ET

There is absolutely nothing wrong with divorce nowadays, particularly when a marriage just isn't working out for the people involved.
However, when you've built your entire political platform around nuclear family values, it's understandable that people might be a bit shook when news breaks that you've served your husband divorce papers.
Case in point — Colorado representative Lauren Boebert. Was her husband, Jayson Boebert, really cleaning his gun and drinking a tall glass of beer when he was served divorce papers? When did the couple meet in the first place?
Here's what we know.

Lauren Boebert got married young – who is her husband?
Lauren met her husband (well, soon to ex-husband), Jayson Boebert when she was 16 years old and and he was 22. Per Lauren's autobiography (via Insider), the Colorado representative felt like it was love at first sight, writing, "He just took my breath away. I fell in love with Jayson immediately, and I knew, without doubt, that he was the man I was meant to be with — for better or for worse — forever."
Jayson was working at an oil rig when he first met Lauren. The couple had their first child together, a son named Tyler, in March 2005. Three months later, Jayson and Lauren officially got married and have been ever since.
Why does Lauren want a divorce?
To say Jayson and Lauren have been through a lot together is an understatement (four kids, being arrested, etc), so what was the breaking point?
Lauren kept the details of the divorce matters private via an official statement — "I am grateful for our years of marriage together and for our beautiful children, all of whom deserve privacy and love as we work through this process. I’ve always been faithful in my marriage, and I believe strongly in marriage..."
She added, "which makes this announcement that much more difficult. This is truly about irreconcilable differences.” Lauren started off the statement by saying that she was the one who had filed for the divorce.
Was Jayson cleaning his gun and drink a tall glass of beer when he was served?
Legend has it that Jayson was cleaning a gun and drinking a tall glass of beer when he was served divorce papers — so did that actually happen? (Hey, sounds like just another afternoon in the South for a lot of people, to be fair.)
Jayson denied the rumor, telling The Daily Beast, "I was not drinking and I was not cleaning any gun. The divorce is sad, I did not expect this, I love her with every bit of my heart, she has been my soul mate and she is the mother of my children."
While it's clear Jayson wasn't expecting the divorce, he added, "We have been through a lot together and I just want her to be happy. So it’s whatever she wants."