Folks Are Leaving Cold Water in Mailboxes for Post Workers During the Summer

Published July 13 2023, 4:05 p.m. ET
Have you ever heard the old United States Postal Service creed? You know, the one that supposedly declares that postal workers will stop at nothing to deliver your mail?
"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
A bold claim, to be sure, but this is hardly a firm commitment or binding statement. Postal workers shouldn't be expected to risk life and limb to get other folks' parcels to their doorsteps.
But the fact remains that postal workers still often brave harsh conditions when trying to deliver mail. We've gotten stuff delivered to us in especially bad weather, with only especially debilitating storms ever really putting deliveries on hold.
When it comes to summer, postal workers can find themselves trekking some unforgivable heat waves on their rounds. Do you know what would help? Leaving cold water in a mailbox for post workers in the summer. It's more common than you think and is much appreciated.
Folks are welcome to leave cold water in their mailboxes for post workers during the summer.
ThatPostalDad (@thatpostaldad on TikTok) uses his profile to upload videos about his life as a USPS delivery driver. He's got plenty of viral videos in which he and his delivery crew post memes, daily struggles, and general humor surrounding their profession.
When he's not dancing over a day off or posting industry-wise Prime Day content, he shares plenty footage about what he goes through on a regular basis. In one instance, he celebrates folks who leave water bottles in their mailboxes.
In a TikTok from July 1, 2023, ThatPostalDad posted about having to deliver mail on a day that had reached 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Though he's used to braving the elements, he was especially elated to see a water bottle in the mailbox meant for him. In celebration, he poured the water all over himself.
Whether you're helping them on their routes or even just want to show a little love, you're allowed to leave something out there for them to pick up. Other post workers in the comments even claim to have received drinks from coolers and snacks from residents.
ThatPostalDad even chatted with other folks in the comments about their summertime postal struggles. One of them admitted that if someone has a sprinkler on in their yard when they're delivering their mail, they slowly walk through it to cool off.
"Any other time of year, I go out of my way to avoid sprinklers," ThatPostalDad replied. "In July, I'm prancing through those bad boys like I was in a fashion show."
There's really nothing stopping you from providing a little goodwill to a postal worker, many of whom still work hard at their jobs. To that end, you can offer them just about anything as long as they know it's for them.
Folks around the internet suggest preparing a little basket of snacks and drinks for them on their shifts. You could even provide them with nice little gifts or thank you notes. However, there are a few stipulations to keep in mind.
USPS has a tipping and gift-receiving policy for its carriers. According to this, "carriers are permitted to accept a gift worth $20 or less from a customer per occasion." However, they cannot accept cash or "cash equivalents" like gift cards.
Furthermore, they are not allowed to receive more than $50 worth of gifts from any one customer in a given calendar year. These policies may vary between mail carrier companies.
As long as you follow those guidelines, there's nothing stopping you from showing your mail carrier a little love, especially if they need hydrating on a hot summer day.