'Little Hope's' Release Date Officially Got Pushed Back, Thanks to COVID-19

Updated June 11 2020, 8:24 p.m. ET

To add to the pile of things COVID-19 took away from us, let’s talk about the game The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, which was supposed to come out this summer. The release date was pushed back due to the pandemic. Luckily, its new release date really isn’t that far off.
What’s Little Hope’s new release date?
The Dark Pictures: Little Hope will now come out in fall 2020, and you can preorder it on Amazon for $29.99. Pete Samuels, the CEO of Supermassive Games tweeted today about the delay, as well as the new release date. “Our priority has been to keep people safe, and that includes actors and stage crew on whose talents we depend on so heavily, other workforces external to our business who all help to create the games we make, and all of the talented people that work within our studio,” he explained.
Production will resume once it’s “safe to do so.” There’s a chance that fall 2020 is too optimistic (Pete's note doesn’t take a second COVID-19 wave into consideration) so we’ll see.
According to Game Spot, Little Hope is based around portraying a few different characters from “a third-person perspective and making decisions as the story progresses that will affect various outcomes.” Game Spot continues to explain, “The decisions you make for each character affect how their personality evolves over the course of the game, and those decisions also affect their relationships with each other.” So, there are a few different ways the game can end for you, which makes the game especially fun.
As for Little Hope’s narrative: The game focuses on a new group of college students who are trapped in a desolate town. The only other person they have with them is their professor, who helps guide them. Game Spot reports that the town “has a dark and blood past — in the 17th century, the town was ‘gripped by witchcraft,’ and nobody was safe from accusations that would cause your death.” So, if you’re interested in the Salem Witch Trials and witchcraft, this is definitely your cup of tea.