Family Discovers That Live-In Nurse Left the House Every Night to Stalk a Man

Updated June 22 2023, 9:18 a.m. ET

I love when folks share their wild stories on TikTok, especially when they partake in the "one thing about me" trend and tell all to the beat of Nicki Minaj's "Super Freaky Girl."
Take the case of this TikToker, who participated in the trend and told us about the time she worked at Victoria's Secret and found human poop in the fitting room.
Well, if you found that story entertaining, wait until you hear this next one. Robin Rosenthal and her daughter Emma Rosenthal, from the popular video creator family The Rosenthals, just took to the platform to discuss a former live-in nurse who worked for them. Let's just say that when the sun set, she was up to no good.

Family claim their nurse would take a walk every night to spy on a man.
Robin and Emma started their video off with some background information. They explained that they needed some extra help in the family after Emma's father passed away. They decided to hire a live-in nurse named Bridgette, who would help care for Emma's grandmother.
"And every single night, Bridgette would go on walks. In the rain, in the snow, it didn't matter," the mom and daughter shared. And to make things even weirder, Robin noted that Bridgette would wear Robin's dead husband's jacket during these mysterious nighttime strolls.
Then Emma chimed in, "we thought it was really weird because we lived on a highway and who goes walking at night down a highway." Yet they never confronted Bridgette about it.
Moving along, the ladies explained that, a year after Robin's mother died, Bridgette called them out of the blue to ask if they knew a lawyer. And that's when they started to put all of the pieces together.
"It turns out that every single night on these walks, Bridgette wasn't just going for exercise. She was going to look in some guy's window," Emma sang.

"She thought he was her boyfriend. He told her that he loved her," Robin said.
While it was unclear whether Bridgette actually had a romantic history with this guy, Robin and Emma said she did feel some type of way when she looked through the window and saw this man loving another woman.
So, what did Bridgette do? She decided to light the woman's car on fire. Yup, the end. The video ends there.
Viewers took to the comments to share their reactions to the very unconventional story.

"i’m sorry but there were like 17 plot twists in this story," wrote one user. Another added: "There was not one point in this video that I knew what was happening next."
Other users could not get over one particular detail in the story: the fact that Bridgette would wear the jacket of Robin's late husband on her walks.

Some folks claimed that wearing his jacket was much worse than setting a car on fire because at least it made sense that she lit the other woman's car on fire.
Others claimed that Bridgette wearing his jacket was the first red flag.

As to how Bridgette's tale ended, not even the Rosenthals seem to know.
In the comment section of their video, the TikTok account for Hulu wrote, "Wonder what Bridgette is doing now." The Rosenthals responded, "Us too Hulu, us too."
Well, Bridgette, if you're out there, we have some questions. Why did you set the woman's car on fire? And more importantly, why did you wear a dead man's jacket during these walks?