This Is the Longest On-Screen Kiss (Yup, It's As Awkward as it Sounds)

Updated June 8 2020, 11:21 p.m. ET

If you're curious to know what the longest on-screen kiss is, the answer would be...*drumroll*... The Bachelor! This was back in 2015, and apparently the record hasn’t been broken since. Here’s what to know about the longest smooch to ever hit the screen.
‘The Bachelor Australia’ takes home the longest on-screen kiss award
In 2018, The Bachelor Australia’s Nina Rolleston and Sam Wood from Season 3 kissed for a total of four minutes and ten seconds straight on live TV. While Sean and Lesley from Season 17 of The Bachelor U.S. are most well-known for their longest kiss, Sam and Nina actually have them beat for almost an entire minute.

Lesley and Sean from Season 17
On August 12, 2015, Sam and Nina kissed for four minutes and ten seconds on the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which TBH sounds pretty windy. The previous record was 3 minutes 48 seconds. The whole thing looked and awkward as it sounds. You can watch the whole video here.

Before their big (and super lengthy) smooch, Sam and Nina were on a date before they settled on kissing and breaking records. NBD.
“I guess some people would be really awkward or embarrassed about it, but I knew that Sam had picked me for this specific date and he picked me to break that record with. It was really nice and and passionate and i think we forgot where we were and it felt like it was just the two of us,” Nina said about the kiss.
“It didn’t seem unnatural at all,” Sam said, saying he’s glad he chose Nina to break the record. Apparently she’s a great kisser.

As they kissed, hundreds of cards drove under them, totally unaware this was happening. Nina added that although the couple had to remain mouth-on-mouth contact, she earnestly shared that there was some “touching” and she could feel Sam’s abs, which sounds pretty cool, we guess. It helped her “keep her mind off the time.”
Will anyone be able to break the four minute, ten second record? Probably. You can do anything when you set your mind to it.