Follow the 'Love Is Blind' Season 3 Cast on Instagram

Updated Oct. 19 2022, 7:34 a.m. ET

Raven Ross and Cole Barnett from 'Love Is Blind' Season 3.'
Life can be hard when you agree to marry someone you've never met. But if you're a fan of Love Is Blind and you want to get to know the cast before you dive head-first into Season 3, we have you covered. The cast is made up of a ton of men and women who are ready for love, marriage, and everything else that comes along with it. So ready that they've put themselves at the mercy of Netflix producers.
Among the Love Is Blind Season 3 cast are a couple of people who have already been married once. There are also some other cast members who may appear to be perfect for each other on paper, but not so great in real life. But they'll all have to get to know each other through a wall before they can determine that for themselves.

Nick and Vanessa Lachey from 'Love Is Blind.'
Luckily for fans, we've gotten a closer look at who to expect in the third installment of the beloved reality show. And before you even know who you're rooting for, take a look at their Instagrams.
Brennon Lemieux
Brennon is a 32-year-old water treatment engineer and if you don't know what that is, it doesn't matter. All you need to know is that he's here to find an "alpha woman," according to Love Is Blind, and that's enough to make us root for him right off the bat. Follow him on Instagram @brennonlemieux.
Cole Barnett
Cole is Season 3's Shayne Jansen, a la Season 2, but with a lot more charm. The 27-year-old also holds his faith close to him and hopes to find a woman who encourages his relationship with God. He's on Instagram @colebrennanbarnett.
Matt Bolton
Before Love Is Blind, Matt, 28, was in a 10-year relationship. Now, however, he's ready to find someone worth staying with even longer. As in, forever. And he'd love nothing more than to emulate the relationship he sees between his mom and step-dad. Find him on Instagram @matt_bolton24.
Bartise Bowden
Bartise, a 27-year-old senior analyst, knows that being picky is one of his greatest downfalls in relationships. But he's also open to the experiment that Love Is Blind presents, so he definitely has that going for him. He's on Instagram @bartiseb.
Sikiru "SK" Alagbada
At 34, SK is more than ready to settle down. And, because he isn't so concerned with the physical aspect of his partner, this show is kind of perfect for him. Though it may also be the biggest test to see if love really is blind. He's on Instagram @sk4ever2.
Nancy Rodriguez
Nancy has been open to dating more seriously, but she hasn't been able to find a man who is in the same place as her. The 32-year-old real estate investor is ready to take the next big step. Follow her on Instagram @thenancyrodriguez.
Colleen Reed
Colleen, 26, is a ballet dancer who is ready to "dance" her way into the heart of one lucky man on Love Is Blind. But the most important thing is that she really does believe she can find him on the show. Find her on Instagram @jellybean.colleen.
Zanab Jaffrey
Zanab, 32, admits on the show that she's "picky AF," but that doesn't mean she can't put herself at the mercy of the experiment. And she's more than ready for it. She's active on Instagram @zanabjaffrey.
Raven Ross
Raven is a 29-year-old Pilates instructor who takes her body very seriously. And even though she can use some help in opening up to the right guy, she wants to find the one. Find her on Instagram @pilatesbodyraven.
Alexa Alfia
Alexa, 27, wanted to join Love Is Blind to do away with the "superficial" parts of dating. And after failing to find lasting love on her own, she's here to see what the show can do for her. Follow her on Instagram @alexaalfia.
Watch Love Is Blind on Netflix.