Will There Be a 'Love Island' Re-Coupling? Spoilers Ahead!

Updated Feb. 19 2021, 10:37 a.m. ET

BEWARE: SPOILERS! Read at your own risk!
Last night’s episode of Love Island USA left both contestants and fans hot AND bothered as another re-coupling looks near. Yikes! On last night’s episode, the islanders and audience were introduced with two more singles: Cormac and Dylan.
By now, most of the couples have been established…especially Zac and Elizabeth. From the beginning (which was three days ago) the chemistry was there, and people knew they were not ones to be bothered with. However, with Cormac now in the picture — he’s drawn an interest to Elizabeth.
On the hunt for Cormac’s next flame or potential bae, Cashel (who’s coupled up with Kyra) broke out the bro-code and warned Cormac not to mess with Zac and Elizabeth’s relationship. He said, “The overall is, we’re all here trying to find a connection and Zac and Elizabeth already have. It’s kind of like on the bro tip. We’ve kind of been like that’s off limits.”
After that conversation sizzled down, the audience chose Cormac to go on a date with Caro. Caro is the only contestant who isn’t coupled up so as one could imagine, she was super excited. They had their date, which seemed nice, but Cormac received a text from the show prompting him to keep his options open and ask someone else on a date.
Confident in himself and choice, Cormac asked Elizabeth. Naturally, everyone in the villa — including Elizabeth — was shocked when she received that text. Not only did Cashel warn Cormac about this off-limits relationship, it was pretty ballsy of him to make that move. However, Cormac deserves a shot at love, too. Right?
With tension on the rise and new interests being sparked, a re-coupling could be happening on tonight’s episode.
Dylan showed an interest in Alexandra (who’s coupled up with Michael) and later asked Mallory (coupled with Weston) on a date. The two girls are already BFF’s but with Dylan on both their radars, things could get interesting.
Michael, on the other hand, has been kicking it to Caro who now has her eye on Cormac. This begs the question of who will Cormac end up with? Will he choose Elizabeth, and will this create mega tension in the villa? As drama continues to rise, the audience believes a re-coupling will happen on tonight’s episode and is already placing bets on who they want to see together.
If a re-coupling happens tonight, someone is most likely to get eliminated. But who?
With a seven men to six women ratio and a new re-coupling on the horizon, the islanders and viewers think someone might be packing their bags soon.
Though there are no hints as to who will be leaving the villa, the audience has their own assumptions. Even with Cormac being new to the show, the audience already wants him gone. However, some would be pleased to even see Mallory or Caro taking the boot.
The question is…will there be an elimination tonight? Guess we’ll have to stay tuned. Watch Love Island Monday’s through Fridays at 8 p.m. on CBS.