Who Is Luke Bryan's Wife? Everything You Need to Know About the Singer’s Relationship
Updated Feb. 24 2020, 11:22 a.m. ET

Luke Bryan may be one of the most successful country singers in the world, but that doesn’t mean he’s been pretty lucky in love as well. The singer and his wife, Caroline Boyer, have been together on and off for more than two decades. After 13 years of marriage, the couple seems stronger than they’ve ever been.
Who is Luke’s wife?
Luke and Caroline first met in college, and they started dating in the late 1990s. The first time they dated, though, the relationship didn’t stick. "We met [at Georgia Southern] back in fall 1998. At a little bar called Dingus Magee’s in Statesboro, Georgia," Luke said in an interview with HuffPost. "We dated in college and then we broke up for like five-and-a-half years and got back together... and we’ve been depending on each other ever since."

In that same interview, Luke also said that he is three years older than Caroline. While she finished her degree, he went to Nashville to pursue a degree in country music. At the time, that seemed like the end of their relationship.
Luke and Caroline’s reunion years later:
As fate would have it, Luke’s decision to pursue music in Nashville wasn’t actually the end for him and Caroline. In fact, years later, they wound up meeting again. "I was playing a little bar in Statesboro and she just happened to kinda be in town. We kinda saw each other and talked a little bit and then started emailing back and forth a little bit," he told HuffPost. "And she was like, 'Hey, you want to come to my family’s Christmas party?' I went to the party and the rest is history."
In an interview with People,” Caroline said that Luke was nervous about turning things romantic again, so it was her turn to make the first move. “I kissed him first! He was always so scared of making a girl feel uncomfortable, he wouldn't cross a line,” she said.

Luke and Caroline’s marriage:
After that kiss, the couple became inseparable. They got married on Dec. 8, 2006 in Turks and Caicos, according to People, and they spent their honeymoon in the Colorado mountains. Now, the couple has been married for more than 13 years, and they celebrated their 10th anniversary in 2016.
According to Luke, he knew from the moment he met her that they were meant to be together. “It took me eight seconds to figure it out — and it took her about eight years to figure it out," he told The Boot. "I had to drink a lot before I could go talk to her, but I did. Somehow I managed to ease over there and somewhat be charming. It was one of those situations for me, it was like, 'Who is that and how do I go talk to her? And, yep, I'm going to marry that girl.'"

The couple has two biological children together, and they also adopted Luke’s nieces in the wake of his brother-in-law’s death in 2014. Although the marriage has its usual ups and downs, Luke told The Boot that he hopes their children look up to their marriage.