Is Luke Skywalker the Next to Get a Disney Plus Show?

Updated March 22 2021, 12:36 p.m. ET

The Star Wars universe just never stops growing. Disney has already announced that there's 10 new Star Wars shows in the works for Disney Plus over the next couple of years, but there are now rumors that number is going to grow yet again. Is Luke Skywalker the next to get his own Disney Plus series?
Is there a Luke Skywalker Disney Plus series in the works?
Mark Hamill did quite a job not revealing that he was making an appearance in the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian. After all, loose lips do sink starships. Very quietly, Mark made his debut in a Disney Plus Star Wars show, showing us a de-aged version of himself as young Luke Skywalker. But, just a few days after the appearance, a rumor has surfaced claiming that Luke will be returning to Disney Plus, this time in his own series.

FandomWire has reported that Lucasfilm and Disney Plus are in the very early stages of a Luke Skywalker series set in the same timeline as The Mandalorian (and now several other series including Boba Fett's own show).
Is Mark Hamill still going to play Luke?
At this time, the reports surrounding the series claim that the show is still in very early development, meaning that the project is only in the planning stages. There are no directors, producers, or actors yet attached to the potential series, and there's always the chance that the project will get scrapped somewhere down the line.
That being said, it's highly unlikely that Mark Hamill would play a de-aged Luke Skywalker for the entirety of a series. Although de-aging actors has become more common in recent years, and Star Wars has done it for a number of actors already, there are often complaints that surround the process. The Irishman is perhaps one of the most famous examples of de-aging in recent years, with a number of people opining that the end result just doesn't look natural.
Though many Star Wars fans were excited by the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian and to see Luke, the same complaints about de-aging still rolled in. Strangely enough, though, some people actually didn't realize it was de-aging at all. Some people thought it was Sebastian Stan. Others, however, were unhappy that Sebastian Stan wasn't cast, believing that it would have been better to see a live actor than a de-aged CGI one.
Should Disney Plus move forward with a live action young Luke series, it's unlikely that they would opt to continue with a de-aged Mark Hamill, due to the high expense of the CGI de-aging process, and because it may be jarring to see a main character de-aged for so long (as many people pointed out with Robert De Niro's character in The Irishman). According to FandomWire, Sebastian Stan may be a top choice to play Luke in his own series, and Mark is happy to let the recast happen.