From Lyft Driver to Private Investigator — Driver Spies on Cheater in Viral Video

Published June 26 2023, 3:54 p.m. ET
It’s no secret that some folks will go to incredible lengths to find out if their partner is being unfaithful. Some folks with money to spend have no problems hiring a private investigator to get the answers they need. On the flip side, some folks don’t mind taking their efforts to the small screen via reality TV shows.
Interestingly, some folks are getting more crafty with their approach. In fact, one woman decided to enlist the help of one unlikely source to figure out her husband is cheating: A Lyft driver!
Yes, you read that correctly! In a viral video — well three-part video series — a Lyft driver spies on a cheater and the ending has left TikTok users stunned. Here’s the 4-1-1.

A Lyft driver spies on a cheater in a now-viral video that has three parts.
Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater! In a June 4, 2023, TikTok video creator LuckyBug3131 (@lucky_bug_3131) shared that she was paid to spy on a cheater while working as a Lyft driver.
“I have the original text from the wife where she texted me on my Lyft account and I will ask her if she’s OK with me sharing it before I share it. But, we are in it now,” the caption of the video reads.
As the video starts, the Lyft driver, who calls herself Candice, explains how she came about spying on a philandering husband.
“I am now in the middle of nowhere,” she said. “I am by Eagle Mount Lake and if you’re from the VFW area, then you know where I’m talking about. I get a ride through my Lyft app. The woman that requested the ride texted me and said, ‘I’m so sorry. I completely understand if you can’t help me but I need your help.’”
Candice continued: “And I’m like, ‘What’s up boo?’ Girl, I am here to make money, OK. What do you need?
The woman proceeded to tell Candice that she needed her to go to her destination that was set in the app to see if her husband is in the park with a blonde woman.
“Girl, I got you. I got you,” Candice replied and then set out on her mission.
As the video continued, Candice showed footage of her sitting at the park waiting to spot the philanderer.
“His truck is down there on the right, but y’all can’t see it because I’m not going to do that, " Candice said. “But we are waiting. The two main exits for the park are right here and down there. We’re going to find out today!”
Candice explained that she initially wasn’t going to stay long, but the woman who hired her sent her over $119 to complete the job.
“B----, I’m invested,” Candice said. “At this point, if he comes out with the blonde like the wife thinks he’s going to, your girl might have to pop off her nails and get in it, you hear me? Because how are you going to cheat on my girl like that?”
As the video continued, Candice shared that the wife is a nurse who works nights. And while Candice said she had no problem swinging on the husband and the blonde, the wife just wants her to take pictures. LOL.
As promised, Candice shared her receipts with screenshots of the text messages she received from the wife. After wasting two and a half hours, Candice reveals that she did indeed see the husband and the blonde woman. In fact, the wife had the husband’s location and Candice wanted to start hiking but didn’t need to.
“As I’m sitting in the car, a blonde girl comes out by herself,” Candice said. “She walks over and paces back and forth acting real suspicious.”
Candice also said that it appears that the blonde knew that the man was involved with someone else and she was possibly trying to spot if his wife was at the park.
“Got you,” Candice said. “She hired a Lyft driver named Candice.”
Candice explained that she watched the woman get into her car and she drove past her slowly to check her out. She looked back toward the park by where the entrances were.
“Then she kind of makes a hand gesture and drives away,” Candice said. “Guess who comes out right then? Boom! There’s the husband.”
Once the husband gets in the truck, Candice said that she followed him. In the third and final video, Candice said that she followed the husband to a restaurant. He went in to get something and she noticed that he left with two drinks. He then went into his truck and presumably drove home.
Interestingly, Candice shared that she texted the wife and told her that she thinks she’s good.
“I really don’t think he's doing anything,” Candice said. “I may have jumped like a frog straight from the lily pad to the conclusion, but I think you’re alright.”
TikTok users were flabbergasted that Candice told the wife that she’s in the clear, but she cleared it up in a final video.
Now, we understand that people look at things very differently, but TikTok users initially believed that Candice was wrong for telling the wife that she doesn’t have anything to worry about. After all, she got the husband and his blonde being slick in the park after presumably having a tryst.
"Uhhhhh?? What? I did watch the last two parts ... and by your story … sis is not good," one person commented.
“OK. On behalf of all of TikTok, please clarify why our girl has nothing to worry about. I think we need a Day 2,” another person chimed in.
“What happened to the hand gesture of the blonde? Then he came out. Oh, I’m invested. Did you tell her that?” a user shared.
Interestingly, in a June 16, 2023, video update, Candice revealed what we all suspected: The husband is cheating.
"Update on the third video I made. At the end when I said that, 'He was good, He's OK, I was talking about him going home," she said. "We initially thought that he was going to go somewhere else with the blonde. And he fooled us all because he bought two drinks."
Candice continued: "Second, the wife knew his location because she was tracking his phone. Third, the blonde and the wife did not know each other. The husband had cheated prior a couple years ago and that's how we knew what she looked like. So, when I took a picture of the blonde and sent it to the wife, it was go time."
Candice also said that she took long to post an update since she was feeling under the weather.
However, Candice shared that she appreciates everyone who was invested in the story and that she will be sharing more content moving forward.
Of course, TikTok users were happy to finally get a conclusion, while others said that Candice should get her P.I. license.
"You might have a new career," one person commented.
"It took us four videos to get here, but we made it," another person shared.
Hopefully, the wife does what's best for her.