Spoilers: Netflix’s ‘Maid’ Ends on a Bittersweet Note

Published Oct. 4 2021, 2:52 p.m. ET

When it comes to adapting someone's true story, especially an emotionally charged one about a single mother providing a better life for her daughter, you're going to want to handle the subject matter delicately. That's exactly what happened with Netflix's Maid, which is based on Stephanie Land's life.
While the show isn't a 100% recreation of her experiences, Stephanie consulted heavily with production in order to ensure the spirit of her story was captured. The show has been a hit with both viewers and critics, and tons of folks are asking for its ending to be explained.
'Maid' ending explained.
Warning: the following contains spoilers for Netflix's Maid.
Alex leaves her abusive husband, Sean, to create a better life for her and Maddy, their daughter.
The series comes to a head with a custody battle between Sean and Alex. There are several obstacles Alex must overcome to prove to the court that she is a fit enough mother for the young girl.
At the top of the series' final episode, Alex asks her mother, Paula, if she'll move away with her and her daughter so they can start a new life together. Paula isn't on board with the plan. Alex receives another blow when she learns that her temporary no-contact order against Sean has been thrown out due to a lack of evidence that can prove he was abusive.

Alex learns that her case against Sean is basically win/loss and should the court rule in favor of her ex, she will be unable to leave the state with Maddy.
Sean receives four-hour visitations with Maddy in the episode, and although Paula doesn't agree to move out of state with Alex, she does agree to supervise Maddy's visits with her dad.
While all of this is going on, Alex is planning specialty meetings for residents at the shelter she's staying at with her daughter while also attempting to convince Hank to testify against Sean to prove he was abusive.
Hank denies Alex's request, leaving her with little hope of winning the case. However, as she's planning another meeting at the shelter, Paula surprisingly shows up with Maddy during one of her planned visitations with Sean.
Sean's outside the shelter with Paula and Maddy and he tells Alex that he realized he is constantly planning when and how he's going to get his next drink, even when he's around his daughter. He signs over all custody of their daughter to Alex, a testament to his understanding that Alex is a way more competent/capable parent than he currently is.
So how does 'Maid' end?
Paula asks Alex if she can still move away with her daughter to Montana much to the Maid's protagonist's delight. Alex says a final goodbye to Sean after gathering the last of her things and gearing up to take a ferry ride with her daughter and mom to Montana.
When the fateful day arrives, Alex notices that Paula hasn't sold her car and that she has changed her mind last minute about living with her daughter. Alex tells her Mama, "I can't wait on you." The two hug and then Alex embarks on her new life in Montana with Maddy. They board the ferry and that's the end of the series.