We've Had a Crush on Bosun Malia White Since Her Deckhand Days
Updated May 29 2020, 12:50 p.m. ET

Not for nothing, but we've been waiting months for the return of Below Deck Med, led by our favorite Bravo captain (don't tell Lee or Glenn), the inimitable Captain Sandy Yawn.
This time around, the interior and exterior crews are taking on the coast of Spain — Mallorca, to be more specific. What's more, they're about to embark on the most luxurious and expensive superyacht the franchise has ever seen.
Expectations will need to be adjusted for charter guests who are spending more than a pretty penny on their extravagant vacations. But we also get the chance to welcome back a few familiar faces: Chief Stew Hannah Ferrier and Malia White, who has ascended to the ranks of bosun. Keep reading to learn more about what Malia's been up to since the last time we saw her.

Who run the yacht? Girls!
Die-hards might not need the refresher, but we first met Malia White in Season 2, which took place aboard the Sirocco in Croatia. During that season, Malia was a big part of the recurring drama that centered upon a possible love triangle between Chef Adam Glick and deckhand(check this) Wes.
As the drama is drawn out over the course of the season, it comes out that Malia and Adam actually knew each other before filming, though they pretended they were meeting for the first time.

Now, Malia is making her return to our favorite maritime TV show, and she says she's grown tremendously since we last saw her on the reality series.
"Yes, I'm back as Bosun!" the 29-year-old beauty wrote on Instagram. "My life changed after my first season on Below Deck — I left my office job [and] pursued a career in yachting."
"I've grown up, learned [and] accomplished a lot these past few years and I'm excited to share my journey from deckhand to Bosun. Hopefully inspiring anyone else who wants to make a change in their life!"
What has bosun Malia White been up to since Season 2 of 'Below Deck'?
The season hasn't even started and Malia has already had to field comments from haters. "People will always come up with reasons why you don't deserve it or why you'll fail — prove them wrong!," she wrote in her post. "Your past doesn't have to write your future."
Over the past few years since Season 2 wrapped, Malia has been climbing the ranks on super yachts and has even earned her captain's license. Captain Sandy also had to come to her defense, which we expect will only happen more throughout the season, as viewers know that yachting is notoriously a sexist industry. The fact that three women are at the head of this yacht is nothing short of revolutionary.
"Captain [Malia]! I'm so proud of you," Captain Sandy wrote in the comments to Malia's Instagram post, congratulating her bosun and adding she sees great potential in her. "You belong on a bridge," she said.
We can't wait to see what Malia and Captain Sandy have in store for us this season in Mallorca on Below Deck Med.