“Mama Sounds Like She Needs a Break” — Baby Sighs Loudly When Asked What Noise His Mom Makes
"Mamas be going through it! And y'all laughin' lol."

Published May 7 2024, 2:05 p.m. ET

In a now-viral clip, a dad recorded himself and his young son, a smiling toddler, engaging in what looks like their first father-son inside joke.
The TikToker, Brian (@boo5977), asks his baby to tell viewers what sound his mama makes. The child's response? A loud, audible sigh — and there are tons of folks on the platform who seem to relate to the post.
Brian's video begins with him looking into the camera as he holds his toddler in his arms. He asks his child: "What's mama sound like?"
The baby, without delay, immediately sighs into the camera; a smile creeps over Brian's face and he muffles his laughter.
The baby then looks briefly off camera, before giggling. Brian asks the child two more times what his "mama sound[s] like" and the child, again, sighs loudly, causing dad to laugh even more as his son grabs his dress shirt and fidgets with it.
Numerous commenters who replied to the post joked that Brian and the baby were probably "the reason" why she sounds like that, i.e., is constantly sighing out of exasperation.
"'Cause you two be stressing her out," one person wrote.
Another said: "She’s either tired or tired of repeating herself."
There was one TikTok user who suggested that the mama in question is probably in dire need of a vacation: "lol poor mama — she needs a vacation."

And then there was another user on the application who wrote that it wasn't just toddlers and dads who get moms stressed out, but even their older children as well: "My 20-year-old son tells me I sigh constantly. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU, SON?"
Judging from the replies left by other folks in response to Brian's video, it would seem like there's plenty of other parents out there who find themselves constantly sighing throughout the day: "Every time I loud sigh, my 4-year-old says 'what's wrong now?'"

Other parents say that whenever they sigh around their kids, their children try to be sensitive to their emotional well-being: "When I sigh 'are you happy mama????? Are you happy???!??!!!?'"
For other people, their kids would emit other types of noises whenever they were prompted to imitate one of their parents: "My [adult] daughter yells out 'babe' when calling to her husband. So when [their child] was learning his animal sounds, I also taught him, 'what does Mama say?' His reply…'Babe!'"

There were others who thought that the video was a prime example of the two men sharing inside jokes with one another: "This is the beginning of inside jokes between the boys … good luck, mama."
There are other kids who've gone viral on TikTok for emulating their parents, like this one little girl who, while sitting in a car seat of her vehicle, tells her folks that she's going to copy her mom.

When prompted by someone off-camera in the video, presumably her dad, the young girl is asked to tell them what her mommy says. She immediately utters a sweat word, "f---"
The child says that she hears her mother say that word every single day, but that she's also told not to repeat it.
The child, working through the ignominy of using the word, resolves to never say it again because it's a bad word, while unintentionally sliding the word into her vernacular over and over again.