Man Digs up Liquor at Music Festival He Buried Weeks Beforehand to Avoid Price Gouging

Published Sept. 12 2022, 9:00 a.m. ET

History books are filled with epic struggles and rivalries that define generations. The French and British taking their 700-year European beef over into the new world is one example. Rome and Carthage had three massive wars in order to establish dominance over the entire Mediterranean region. You've got the Russians and Ottomans warring on and off for centuries, Denmark and Sweden fighting over Norway, and Concert-Goers versus Event Security in the war to sneak beverages into the venue to avoid ridiculous upcharges.
Going to a show and dropping $16 on two bottles of water seems to be no one's idea of a good time, and if you're trying to buy alcohol at these events, you're going to end up probably spending a heck of a lot more than that.
What's worse is that the water and booze being sold at these events aren't bespoke or only available at these particular venues: it's the same stuff you'd be able to get from a fraction of the price at your local supermarket or corner store.
Who wants to spend all of that extra cash when you're just trying to see your favorite musician/band play? Couldn't that money be better allocated to securing yourself a better seat, or to cover the insane parking fees you're probably getting charged just to go to a concert you're already spending money to be at in the first place?
Well, if you're trying to get a little buzzed at the venue without dropping a whole bunch of dough, take a page out of this guy's book.
In a viral video post originally uploaded to Facebook Reels by Zac Holloway, a man can be seen sitting on a grassy field near a small tree. He digs through the dirt and pulls out two clear plastic bottles of what appears to be water. Without context, this doesn't seem like an impressive or even sensible undertaking.

However, the video's text overlay reveals that the man wasn't digging up bottles of water at all, but booze that he had stashed away underground some three weeks before the music festival.

Since the festival grounds weren't closed off yet, the man had the foresight to find a spot he knew he would have access to during the show so he could exhume and booze and commence drinking without having to worry about dropping a fortune at the show.

The text overlay reads: "This dude came up to where we were sitting and asked if he could dig up the buried liquor he buried there weeks before the festival. This is genius!"
A caption for the video reads: "Avoiding those drink prices."

Viewers who saw the clip were impressed by the man's ingenuity and if you sit in a silent room and listen closely enough, you could (probably) hear the collective coals burning of folks all over the internet, planning their next outdoor festival drink stash burial attempt.

There were some folks who offered up improvements to the man's technique, like placing the bottles inside of a plastic Ziploc bag. Most people, however, were just shocked by the man's dedication.

"Budlight presents REAL MEN OF GENIUS"
"Next time a gallon ziplock bag to keep the bottles clean, but definitely epic"
"Pretty clever Talk about thinking ahead! WTF made him think of this!? I'm wondering how many people are going to do this and then forget where they buried it!"

However, some people criticized the fact that the guy wasn't trying to spend a bunch of money on overpriced liquor: "So you had weeks to plan a bury spot but not weeks to make enough and save enough for this festival"
What do you think? If you're planning on attending a music festival, will you try this? Is it technically not "smuggling" if the liquor was already there before the concert started?