A Woman Fell Asleep With Her Front Door Open — Watch This Good Samaritan Save the Day

Published June 12 2023, 6:45 p.m. ET
Contrary to popular belief, not every hero struts around in spandex and a cape, you know. In fact, sometimes the person who saves the day is just a stranger with a kind heart.
This was especially true for TikTok user @iamashleychaney, who unknowingly found herself in a dangerous situation after she fell asleep with her front door wide open. Luckily, a Good Samaritan stepped in to shut it and it was all caught on camera.
Although the video has garnered millions of views since it first surfaced on social media, the identity of the mystery man remains unknown. Now, Ashley is enlisting the help of TikTok to find him …
This man closed a woman’s front door while she was sleeping and became an internet celebrity.
Accidents happen to the best of us, and Ashley learned this lesson firsthand after a long day. “I’ve been stressed lately and accidentally went to sleep with my front door open,” she shared in the now-viral video that features her door camera footage. “Listen to this sweet stranger close it for me at 3 a.m.”
As seen on the door camera footage, the mystery man closes the front door and whispers quietly, "I’m closing your door. You guys have a lovely night. Good morning.” He then waves goodbye and goes on his way.
Just as quickly as he came, he was gone … possibly to never be seen again.
Although Ashley has made several attempts to find the unnamed individual, as of this writing, her efforts have been made in vain.
In a series of follow-up videos, Ashley explained the lengths she had gone to locate the mystery man, searching platforms like NextDoor, Facebook, and Instagram for the truth.
Plus, she even went the extra mile and posted a sign on her door that read, “Did you close my door at 3 a.m.? Your video went viral on TikTok and the people want to meet you! Please introduce yourself [in] a doorbell message.”
Still, she had no luck … and the comment section didn’t help much, either. Feeling pressed for answers, Ashley took to social media with an update.
“You guys, there’s nobody that wants an update on this situation more than me, I promise you,” Ashley told TikTok, asking users to employ their top-tier detective skills for this very important mission.
“I cannot believe that nine million of you beautiful TikTok souls have watched this video. Now, I have seen TikTok find a man or woman or dog from literally the corner of a pixel of a photo from a country away. I know you guys can find this man,” she added.
“I literally taped up a sign to my front door which might be a security risk, I’m not even sure. But I’m willing to risk it!”
“Please help me find this guy so I can give you guys the update that you want,” Ashley ended the TikTok.
Whether or not you believe in karma, we could all agree that this guy has some good juju coming to him. For the love of John Quiñones, can someone please buy this man a drink?!