Man Leaves Voicemails After Ghosting Date, Says She's "Not Cool" and Dishonest

Published Sept. 15 2023, 10:11 a.m. ET
Talk about turning something around! A creator who shares content on TikTok as @masononthemic shared the reason she swore off dating for two years — and you would too if you were her.
Mason, who is the co-host of The Daily Cannon With Nick Cannon opened up about a dating mishap that involved a man ghosting her and then essentially blaming her for their potential relationship never taking off.
You'll have to read on to believe this guy's audacity!
The ghoster not only stood up his date, but then he lied — and somehow called himself the honest one.
As Mason shares in her viral TikTok, on the Friday night she planned to meet up with a new guy, she napped, showered, did her hair (so basically put in a decent amount of effort), and then proceeded to "wait in a restaurant" for the man, who never showed up.
But don't worry faithful daters. He had a good excuse — and then he didn't.
You see, at first the guy claimed his dad was in the hospital. Then, the ghoster called back to say, well, his dad wasn't in the hospital.
"He then proceeded to leave me about five or six additional voicemails," Mason recounts.
Luckily for us, Mason goes on to say in her TikTok, "I would like to present them to you now."
The voicemails will haunt your dreams. Sorry, but we had to warn you.
Indeed, the ghoster, whose name turned out to be Brad, chided the woman he stood up for not calling him back within the hour! He even informs her that according to his friends, he should have heard from her by now. Um, what?
In the head-scratching voicemail, Brad went on to say it wasn't "fair" that she wasn't calling him back.
Was it "fair" that he stood her up? Unclear. What we do know is that according to this guy, she was being "not cool."
He even laughably went on to share in the voicemail that he was "starting to rethink things." Again, this is all after he didn't show up for their date, then lied about the reason.
Commenters can't get enough of this dating nightmare — and they are in luck, because there's more!
Commenters on this post were overall just simply delighted by Brad's voicemail, with many wondering how the ghoster is doing today. "I know right?" agreed the creator.
The good news for followers who are loving that this guy exists is that there's a part two of the voicemail saga. Incredibly, in another message, Brad explains how he felt mistreated by Mason, since he was "honest" with her. Again, um, what?
He went on to say they'd reschedule the date and then he could tell her how "cool" and "calm" he was. Clearly!
Of course, it goes without saying that Mason didn't end up with this guy.
All she has to remember him by? These voicemails, that we thank her from the bottom of our hearts that she has shared with the world, so that everyone can feel better if a date doesn't go as planned.