Video of a Woman Discovering a Man Has Been Living Under Her House Goes Viral

Published Aug. 17 2023, 2:48 p.m. ET

Woman discovers man living under her house
There is a movie I watched as a kid that my mom and I continue to quote up until this very day. It stars Gary Busey — so you know it's unhinged — as a man who is living in the attic of a house owned by a family he is obsessed with. Hider in the House was released in 1989 and features Busey's character boarding up a section of the attic while spending all of his time eavesdropping on this family.
Every time the father needed to encourage his wife to get a move on he would say, "Let's go babe." Several times throughout the film Busey says to himself, "Let's go babe." It's very creepy and I say it to my mother often.
Unfortunately, life can sometimes vaguely imitate art, which is what happened to Ashly Guardino when she discovered a man was living under her house. Wanna know more? Let's go babe.

Man living under a woman's house is arrested.
What would you do if you discovered a man living under your house?
In a nearly three minute video Ashly, who goes by @ashlyguardino on TikTok, told the story of how she woke up to find a man's arm coming out of a crawlspace underneath her home. This was followed by a call to police who arrested the man. In subsequent TikToks, she provides more information after doing research on the intruder and his situation.
By Ashly's estimation, the man had been under he house for roughly three months. She believes this is the case because the area he was getting in and out of, which she boarded up after finding him, "had a screen on it and the screen had been knocked off probably two or three times a week." Ashly was constantly putting it back on to keep her cats from jumping under the house.
"We would come home, and the vent would be off again." Her theory was the cats were beneath the house and kept pushing the screen off every time they exited. This was going on for the aforementioned three months. Two units on either side of Ashly's are empty, but she and her partner recall hearing someone knocking and banging a few months prior. "Now we know it was a grown a-- man. Just a man," she said while nervously laughing.
It was 6 o'clock in the morning the day Ashly figured out what was going on. She stepped outside after hearing noises and assumed it might be her landlord walking around on the roof. Apparently that's a thing for Ashly, but it shouldn't be a thing for anyone. Unless I call and ask you to come over to my roof, do not come over to my roof.
"I look and I see the grass kind of rustling around," Ashly explained while pointing to the crawlspace hole to the right of her front door. What she sees next is the stuff of horror movies (or a Gary Busey thriller). A hand emerges from the hole and is feeling around for some bricks that sit on either side of it. Presumably he wanted to close the hole behind him.
Grabbing a mop that was leaning against her house, Ashly started jamming it through the hole. He backed off after being hit, so Ashly called the police. To no one's surprise, the cops don't take the call very seriously and take their sweet time getting there. Two officers arrive and walk around the house then proceed to threaten the man with dogs and their favorite: guns. Eventually he did come out, and appeared to be under the influence of some kind of substance.
Once the man was apprehended, Ashly was able to find out more about him. Apparently he's 26 years-old and is on parole. Sadly he "burned his baby mama's house down, and this was because he was given access to sleep underneath her house after he got strung out on drugs," Ashly explained.
It appears as if this man became accustomed to that living situation, which is how he ended up doing it at a house across the street from Ashly's before landing at her home. He briefly went to prison after his baby mama's house caught fire and was back after her neighbors found him under their house. Then he was released again.
In kind of good news, a kitten was also discovered in the crawlspace under Ashly's house. Thankfully she already had older kittens and a mama cat who was still nursing them. They cleaned up the kitten, started bottle feeding it, and plan on keeping the little cutie until it's old enough to be adopted. So, what's the lesson here? You'll catch more kittens after intruders. Or maybe it's, behind every man living under your house stands a kitten who needs adopting.