"20 Pounds of Sugar, What Was I Thinking?" — Husband Admits Mistake With Shopping List

Published Sept. 13 2023, 9:23 a.m. ET
There are plenty of TikTok videos that make light of a husband being inept at grocery shopping, and sometimes those include women who give their spouses grocery lists with actual pictures instead of the names of products. But one man, @zachandhailee, whose real name is Zach, shared a different kind of grocery shopping mistake as the husband in question.
In the video on TikTok, Zach explains how he adhered to his wife's shopping list as best as possible, only to realize when he checked out that he misread the list in the most ridiculous (and, in hindsight, obvious) way. At the very least, Zach admits in his video that he is an "idiot," but the way he got the grocery list wrong is almost unbelievable.
A man misunderstood his wife's grocery list and he owned up to his mistake.
In Zach's video, he explains how he went to the grocery store with the numbered list his wife gave him. And, by all accounts, the list is pretty simple. He needed to get just seven items, including sugar, salt, and hamburger meat.
But numbering the list is where things apparently went wrong, because Zach took those numbers quite literally. He says how he thought the number two in front of the tortilla chips meant that he needed to grab two bags of chips, and that the number three before hamburger meant he had to buy three packs of meat. He also bought five bags of sugar.
This goes on until the seventh item on the list, salt. And you'd better believe Zach purchased seven containers of table salt. He gets points for trying.
"The Moral of this story is, ladies, if you're gonna write a list and number it, put a period," Zach says in the video. "A period makes a big difference, 'cause us guys, we're just gonna look at the list and grab the s---.'"
Sure, properly numbering a list is always a good idea. But, um, so is using common sense when reading said grocery shopping list, so there's that. Or at least calling your wife when you are placing 20 pounds of sugar into your shopping cart.
Other spouses know the pain of grocery shopping with partners.
Almost every time I send my husband to the grocery store to do the weekly shopping that I typically handle, I get a text, call, or Facetime, with questions. And, as bothersome as that can sometimes be, I would gladly take that over this huge misunderstanding.
One TikTok user who commented on the video wrote, "I have to send screenshots of pictures to my husband." And that's certainly one way to avoid something like this. Another user commented, "This is what happens when CLEAR instructions are not given."
And clearly, judging by other comments, sending your inexperienced spouse to the grocery store is an epidemic: "I've put '2 - 8 piece nuggets,' [and] my husband read it as, 'oh she wants between two to eight pieces of nuggets.' I wanted two orders of 8-piece nuggets."
I applaud this guy for taking no chances and doing what he thought was right. However, at what cost? Literally. I can't fathom that grocery bill right now.