"Is Time Travel Real?" — Man Receives Birthday Gift From Supposed Future Son

Published Sept. 6 2023, 10:03 p.m. ET
What would you do if you had a time machine? Perhaps you'd go back in time to make a different choice in your canon events. Maybe you'd prevent a major disaster using your knowledge of the future or even get rid of Baby Hitler. With such fantastical technology, you might be more inclined to do something equally groundbreaking with it. Well apparently, one supposed time traveler decided simply to do something nice for his dad on his birthday.
On TikTok, Jesse (@jymleaderjess) took a break from his Pokémon meme content and life updates to share an odd pseudo-encounter he may have had with a time traveler. He supposedly received a birthday gift and card from someone claiming to be his future son. Strangely enough, there may be some credibility to it. Jesse has his own theories on it though.
This man received a birthday gift from his supposed future son.
Jesse shared his experience on TikTok in early September on his birthday. At the time that the video was recorded, he had just turned 25. He came home from work to find a gift waiting for him on his porch.
Waiting on a chair on his porch was a brand-new bottle of liquor and an unopened drone. There was also a card that said "Enjoy today, Dad" on the front. Jesse revealed that he was indeed a father. However, his daughter is only one year old and couldn't have done this on her own.
The written contents of the card make some pretty odd claims. Namely, the card is supposedly from Jesse's "future son" named Gary. He was apparently only 15 by the time he dropped off the gifts and even apologized for a future argument that the two of them apparently had. The card also mentions Jesse's tattoo of Kratos from God of War and that he will supposedly be born in two years' time.
Jesse makes a couple of interesting arguments based on these claims. For one, he doesn't currently have a Kratos tattoo but has "always considered getting one." He also only knows one other Gary in his life, who is apparently his wife's uncle. Based on all that, he seems at least partially convinced that time travel could be real.
However, he's also understandably skeptical of this info. In a quick follow-up, Jesse offered some key facts that could easily refute this time travel business. At the time of recording, he asked his wife Holly some pertinent questions that relate to the card from the future.
Holly claimed to not be pregnant at the time of recording. She also said that they weren't planning on another pregnancy. And even if they were, she also said that they definitely wouldn't name the child after her uncle.
Interestingly enough, though, Jesse did have some theories as to who might have left the gifts there. He suspected that it might have been his best friend of 10 years pulling a good-natured prank on Jesse for his birthday. As for the weird method of delivery, that might also have an explanation.
According to Jesse, he and his friend have been going through some beef and haven't spoken with each other for the past five or six months. He declined to go into details out of respect for his friend, but it could very well be a nice gesture from his friend while they aren't on speaking terms, which would also explain why the card mentions more personal details like Jesse's tattoo prospects. It even mentions an argument, which could refer to the beef that Jesse mentioned.
So, it's either an olive branch from a friend who's still a little too shy to really come forward to Jesse or these gifts really came from the future from his yet-unborn son. Which one would you rather believe?