“I Despise These Dog Owners” — Couple Tries Warning Stubborn Rottweiler Owner About Elk
"100 percent visiting from Toronto."

Published Dec. 4 2024, 10:01 a.m. ET

Donkeys are pretty good at trampling coyotes to death. They have a natural fear and seemingly hatred for all things canine, and it's not difficult to understand why. For generations, the hooved herbivores were bred to dwell alongside humans, usually restricted to a singular plot of land where they got along with other animals.
One of the biggest threats they've endured as a species was probably wolves, which is probably why they're so quick to stomp anything even resembling the bad guys from The Grey.
But it's not just donkeys that don't like canines. A lot four-legged herbivores have problems with them, including deer and elk. One woman recorded herself doggedly attempting to educate a couple out on a nature walk with their Rottweiler.
In the video, which has been reposted by various social media accounts, and most famously, AccuWeather (@accuweather) on TikTok, two people can be seen happily watching the Rottweiler excitedly interact with two elk on the side of the road.
A man driving the car can be heard saying to the dog owners, "Guys, put your dog back on the leash!"
The man on the side of the road, who appears to be holding a leash, is recording the dog's interaction with the creatures.
"That's really dangerous," the woman in the passenger's seat of the car could be heard saying to the couple.
"Don't worry he's a boss," the dog owner replies to the woman. "Capone! Come on! Come here," he tells the dog, who is bouncing back and forth in front of the elk.

The man behind the wheel informs the dog owner that these elk probably aren't herbivores that Capone wants to be messing with. "They deal with wolves on a daily basis," he tells the man. "They'll kick your dog's a--," he tells the man.
"Yeah, they'll stomp his skull," the woman tells the dog owner, who doesn't look like he's in a hurry to put the dog on a leash.
"Don't worry, don't worry, he ain't no shih tzu like your dog probably," he tells the couple.
They begin to drive up the road a bit before stopping. The woman says, "No, like, they need to be educated," after un-clipping her seat belt, which smacks against the side door jamb.

One TikToker wrote that they thought the couple driving by the dog owners should've just "mind[ed] their own business."
However, there were several other folks who thought that the issue was about respecting the dog's life and making sure it wasn't getting its life endangered.
"I despise these dog owners," one person wrote.
Another remarked, "Some people are clueless about wildlife. Sad."
While someone else said they'd do the same thing: "That is so scary I would have pulled over too make sure the dog was OK then called for help. That hurts my heart. Poor dog. I hope he is OK."
Another wrote that they were stunned by how "immediately dismissive" the Rottweiler owners were.
What do you think? Could the folks in the car have approached the situation ensuring that they didn't bruise the egos of the dog owners who were caught endangering the life of their pet? Or should the dog owners shut up and listen to folks who clearly have knowledge of the danger elk pose to dogs?