"I Know My Intentions, but I Don’t Know Hers" — Man Says He Won't Have Female Friends

Published June 29 2023, 3:58 p.m. ET
There has been an age-old debate about whether or not people in relationships should maintain friendships with folks of the opposite sex and same sex in some cases.
For some folks, maintaining friendships that have been around before your partner came into your life isn't an issue. However, creating new friendships after getting into your relationship could be an issue.
While the jury is still out on the correct answer, one man has laid down the law when it comes to having friendships. In a viral TikTok video, a user shared that he won’t have female friends and explained his reasoning in full detail.
A TikTok user shared that he won’t have female friends unless his wife approves.
Homeboy said what he said!! In a June 27, 2023, TikTok video, creator Yohan (@imcominginhot) shared why he's very particular about having female friends.
“Why I do not have female friends,” the caption reads.
As the video starts, Yohan is seen with text above that emulates the caption and text below him that reads, “I have a very strict rule when it comes to having female friends.”
“And that is, if you are not my wife’s friend, then you are not my friend,” Yohan said. “Many of you may see that as an extreme rule to have, be that as it may, there are reasons for that.”
Yohan explained his reasoning which most people would find reasonable.
“No. 1, dedicating time to another female that’s not my wife, just does not make any sense to me,” Yohan said. “No. 2, if this woman is not my wife’s friend, it means that we have a relationship that to some degree my wife is not aware of. Tell me if that sounds appropriate for a married man. No. 3, I might know my intentions but I’ll never know hers and that’s a conversation I would love to avoid.”
Yohan continued: “And No.4, let’s assume that everything is innocent, nobody catches any feelings, and my wife is OK with it. People still talk. One thing you will not catch me out here doing is putting my wife in embarrassing situations. And I will be damned if my character is called into question.”
Yohan also shared that “the truth is that a peaceful home is a blessing that not that many people come by. I have it, so why would I jeopardize that.”
The creator finished his rant by saying, “Now, if you are a mutual friend, then you’re welcome in my home and we will treat you like family. However, if my wife doesn’t know you, neither do I. My brothers, we are grown men, and it’s time that we start to act like it.” Mic drop!
TikTok users are pretty much on board with Yohan’s stance on having female friends.
Baby, there’s nothing like a debate on TikTok that gets the people going. While some folks believe that Yohan is completely off base with his reasoning, most people believe that it shows his respect for his wife and his integrity as a man.
“A WORD! I’ve tried to befriend female friends my boyfriend had in the past, so as not to make them cut ppl off, but if they’re not a girl’s girl,” one person shared.
“If my male friend gets an SO, all my communication now goes to both of them,” another person said.
“'I might know my intentions but I don’t know hers' THAT PART,” a user chimed in.
Many of the people who commented were so impressed by Yohan’s way of thinking, they wanted to know if he had any available family members with the same way of thinking.
“You got some brothers…??? 😂😂😂,” one user jokingly asked.
Truth be told, Yohan’s way of thinking is popular, but not all people stand by the same belief. That said, it’s important to do what’s best for your relationship. However, having firm boundaries like Yohan comes in major clutch to prevent any issues with friends down the road.