Idaho Anchor Mark Johnson Is Famous Following a Bizarre TV Station Tweet
Published April 21 2021, 11:18 a.m. ET

On the internet, you never know who's going to get their 15 minutes of fame. Recently, Idaho KTVB anchor Mark Johnson got his moment in the spotlight after the news station tweeted out a link to his bio on their website without any context. The tweet, which simply said "Mark Johnson" and provided a link, has gone viral because people all over the internet find it hilarious.
Who is KTVB anchor Mark Johnson?
According to his bio, Mark has been with KTVB, which is based out of Boise, since 1996. He actually started his career with KTVB before moving on to stations in Milwaukee and Pittsburgh, where he covered the 1996 Super Bowl. In addition to coverage of the Super Bowl, Mark has also covered the World Series and five separate Olympic games.
Although he spent the majority of his career focused on sports, Mark eventually transitioned into the role of KTVB's main news anchor, which is a job he's held since 2003.
Mark has been happily married since 1992, and has two sets of twin daughters. He's also involved in a wide variety of local organizations, including Big Brothers - Big Sisters, United Cerebral Palsy, United Way, Salvation Army, First Tee of Idaho, and Make-A-Wish.
Mark has become a meme online.
Thanks to the viral tweet from KTVB, Mark has already become a meme across the internet. Many users have chosen to simply repeat the text of the tweet, writing "Mark Johnson" either in the replies or in a tweet of their own.
Others made fun of the fact that the tweet was sent out without context, including one user who wrote "What context is needed? He is Mark Johnson, enough said."
Mark even reacted to the tweet himself, placing the blame for the confusing tweet on his daughters. “This is pretty hilarious but I’m pretty sure my teenage daughters had something to do with this," he wrote. "All I can say is that I WILL get them back for this! (But probably not).”
Mark also joined in with the rest of the people making a meme out of him, tweeting simply "Mark Johnson."
Thankfully, it seems Mark had a sense of humor about the tweet, which may be the most notorious he ever is on the internet. Although the tweet has gone viral, KTVB has not yet taken it down, and it's unclear how the tweet went live in the first place.
Given the harmless nature of the tweet's content, though, it seems the station may have decided to let Mark have his viral moment in the sun.
Thus far, the tweet has been retweeted more than 2,500 times and liked more than 10,000 times. Tweets on KTVB's feed typically don't get nearly that much engagement, so the station may realize that all publicity is good publicity. They may have made an error in tweeting out Mark's bio without any content, but the accidental tweet wound up working in their favor.