This Marvel MCU Characters as Birds Twitter Thread Is Shockingly Accurate

Updated April 28 2021, 10:32 a.m. ET

There are tons of different ways people pay homage to the works of art that they love. Some folks get tattoos. Others write fan-fiction that is borderline creepy and weird. Some people write songs, and others make passionate pleas on various social media networks about how much their favorite artist of movie/book/comic/cartoon/series/etc. doesn't get enough love from fans.
Then there are people like Dr. Alex Evans, an animal flight researcher who is interested in, according to his Twitter profile, all things "birds, bees, and boardgames." He's also said that "bird crests are my jam and Twitter is the toast I slather on it."
He also, like many, seems to have an affinity for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is, of course, a worldwide phenomenon.

Every time a new movie is released, folks get all in a tizzy and make bank at the box office, even if they're considered "generic" or "underwhelming" films like Avengers: Age of Ultron or Captain Marvel.
Folks' fondness for the MCU and the characters within it haven't seemed to have died down, although many believe that Endgame may very well be the last time we see such a massive confluence of different starts in a single Marvel movie.
That hasn't stopped spin-off properties and shows from launching, along with increasingly obscure fan-appreciation posts for said MCU stars.
But Dr. Alex Evans' decision to post photos of said superheroes along with their aviary counterparts definitely rules the roost.
Scarlet Witch. (Likeness score: 2 out of 5 feathers.)
Here we see Wanda Maximoff compared to the Red Crested Finch, which is commonly found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil.
Hulk (Likeness score: 4 out of 5 feathers.)
If you wanted to cast the big green machine in future Marvel projects as a bird, then you're going to want to go with the Kakapo. It's known as an "owl parrot" and is endemic to New Zealand; they can live up to 80 years old.
Groot (Likeness score: 4 out of 5 feathers.)
Vin Diesel's a tree in the MCU and it looks like his perfect counterpart would be the African Scops Owl which is from sub-sahara Africa.
Spiderman (Likeness score: 3 out of 5 feathers.)
Everyone's favorite web slinger's bird counterpart is actually endemic to Australia, but it's been introduced to New Zealand and parts of Norfolk Island. You know, in case you're such a die-hard Spiderman fan you're planning on bird-watching to capture a photo of this thing yourself.
Doctor Strange (Likeness score: 4 out of 5 feathers.)
The Sorcerer Supreme himself may have met his feathered match with Lady Ross's Turaco. This bluish-purple bird is mostly found in the woodlands of Central and Southern Africa.
Yondu (Likeness score: 5 out of 5 feathers.)
There's really no other comparison that's going to come close to the excellence that is the likeness between Yondu as a Cassowary. These Australian birds are basically modern day velociraptors. They're incredibly ornery, have crazy sharp talons, are highly intelligent, and absolutely vicious. Plus, the large frill on Yondu's head? It's just too good.
Loki (Likeness score: 3 out of 5 feathers.)
The god of mischief may be elusive, but his feathered friend is not. The horned lark can be found all over the Northern Hemisphere.
Star Lord (Likeness score: 2 out of 5 feathers.)
While the color schemes really match up, it's hard to award a higher likeness score to this bird, just because I find it highly unlikely that the Great Goucal is a huge fan of David Hasselhoff.
Thor (Likeness score: 2 out of 5 feathers.)
Thor's definitely emerged as a hilarious addition to the Avengers squad, and there is something inherently silly about the Grey Parrot, however, I'm not getting god of thunder vibes from this bird.
Killmonger (Likeness score: 2 out of 5 feathers)
The puffed out chest and specks of yellow definitely mimic Killmonger's scar-branded body. This little guy has a lifespan of 15 years and 3 months. And no, I'm not talking about Michael B. Jordan, I'm talking about this bird.
Black Widow (Likeness Score: 3 out of 5 feathers.)
A point needs to be awarded for the way that the Black Woodpecker is posing almost identically to Scarlett Johansson's character in these two photos. Endemic to the northern palearctic this bird does not migrate, in case you were wondering about its winter travel plans.
Captain America (Likeness Score: 4 out of 5 feathers.)
The only thing that the Cuban Trogon's missing is a shield. Otherwise it's got red, white, and blue written all over it. I wonder if it has a bird friend it lost during World War 2 that ended up getting brainwashed by Soviets.
Captain Marvel (Likeness Score: 1 out of 5 feathers.)
Come on, the only thing that Captain Marvel has in common with the Scarlet Macaw, in this photo at least is the frill that pops up from the top of its head.
Rocket (Likeness Score: 3 out of 5 feathers.)
While it's weird to compare one animal to another, you have to give it up for just how well the colors match up between Rocket and the Sandip Das.
Winter Soldier (Likeness Score: 3 out of 5 feathers.)
This American Kestrel not only has the same smokey-eyed look as Bucky Barnes, but is also rocking a prosthetic arm, like the Winter Soldier himself.
Falcon (Likeness Score: 1 out of 5 feathers.)
Come on, it's not even a falcon. They just got a Pacific parrotlet with red-tinted goggles. Lazy.
The Grandmaster (Likeness Score: 2 out of 5 feathers.)
They both have the same attentive stare, but the color schemes are way off. I will say that the Blue Tit does seem very Goldblum-esque if that makes any sense.
Wasp (Likeness Score: 4 out of 5 feathers.)
All right, the Secretary Bird and Wasp's character have a ridiculous likeness and I think it all has to do with the photography, but if you look at other photos of this African winged beauty, then you'll see that it's basically the MCU character IRL.
Red Skull (Likeness Score: 4 out of 5 feathers.)
Red Skull and the Magellanic woodpecker both share sanguine countenances of doom. They also look like they're about to be condemned to guard a soul stone for the rest of eternity.
Ronan the Accuser: (Likeness Score: 4 out of 5 feathers.)
Easily one of the lamest MCU villains ever, Ronan the Accuser's costume looks like a blue elf fell asleep in a hot car while a bunch of strips of black licorice melted on his face after he drunkenly shoved some in his mouth and passed out. His costume looks like spray-painted dirt bike protective gear: in short, he's super lame. However, he looks almost exactly like a Turquoise Jay, which kind of makes up for how much of a sucky villain he is.