Netflix Announces He-Man Is Returning in Sequel to '80s Cult Classic Cartoon 'Masters of the Universe'
Updated Aug. 19 2019, 1:31 p.m. ET

“By the power of Grayskull!” He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is returning. Kevin Smith has signed on to revive the iconic ‘80s anime series, which will pick up where the original cartoon left off. According to Kevin, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, which is set to air on Netflix, is the “story you always wanted to see as a kid.”
The show is a continuation of the original and will feature familiar characters and storylines. Kevin also mentioned that it could be “the final battle between He-Man and Skeletor.” Though the streaming service has yet to announce when Masters of the Universe: Revelation will air, here’s what we know so far!

Here’s what we know about the Netflix series Masters of the Universe: Revelation.
Reenacting the opening title sequence for Masters of the Universe and shouting (along with He-Man), “I have the power!” is what every kid in the ‘80s did… right? Well, now a whole new generation will get to appreciate Prince Adam and his trusty sidekick Cringer aka Battle Cat.
According to Netflix, the cult classic sequel will feature our heroes, including Orko and Man-At Arms, as they defend Castle Grayskull against villainous threats such as Skeletor, Beatman, legions of Snake Mountain, and Evil-Lyn.
The network’s description of the new series states: “After a ferocious final battle forever fractures Eternia, it’s up to Teela to solve the mystery of the missing Sword of Power in a race against time to prevent the end of the Universe!"

Additionally, "Her journey will uncover the secrets of Grayskull at last. This is the epic He-Man and the Masters of the Universe saga fans have waited 35 years to see!"
Who is Teela from Masters of the Universe?
After nearly 30 years, the classic cartoon series is making its way back to TV for a whole new generation to appreciate.
In Netflix’s description of the sequel, Teela will play a major role. To refresh your memory, our favorite pink character is the Captain of the Royal Guard and her duty is to protect and train Prince Adam. Teela regularly fights alongside He-Man, however, she is unaware of his alternate identity as Prince Adam. Basically, she’s a badass female warrior and we can’t wait to watch her on-screen.

Fans react to the Masters of the Universe sequel.
After news broke that the ‘80s anime series was returning, fans took to social media reacting to the announcement. "#Netflix are reviving He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [sic]! Yes... that same campy #HeMan you watched as a kid,” tweeted one fan. Adding, “Not sure how well it's going to work with the kids of today though!”
Another fan tweeted their concerns for the show, writing, “Dear @ThatKevinSmith... Masters of the Universe... beyond excited for this... I have faith and 'YOU HAVE THE POWER.' DO NOT F--K THIS UP!!!! [sic].”
While some fans were excited about the revival, others were not too happy. “So apparently Kevin Smith is producing a He-Man anime series for Netflix titled Masters Of The Universe: Revelation."

The fan continued: "To be honest I'm not at all excited about this. Netflix totally screwed up She-Ra [the series that follows Princess Adora, Prince Adam’s long-lost twin sister]. Not to mention the s----y odd look she has in the new series. A--holes!”
Overall, we’re excited our childhood show is making a return. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to watch He-Man and his friends defend Castle Grayskull against the forces of darkness 30 years later?