Meet 'Little People, Big World' Sar Matt Roloff's Parents, Peggy and Ron Roloff

Updated Dec. 6 2022, 4:38 p.m. ET

Through the years, the number of Roloff family members appearing on Little People, Big World has slowly dwindled. Once they hit adulthood, Molly and Jacob made it clear that reality TV wasn't for them. Jeremy and Audrey bowed out next, leaving Matt Roloff and Caryn Chandler; Amy Roloff and Chris Marek; and Zach and Tori Roloff (and their kids) on the TLC series. But what about the OG Roloff couple — Matt's parents?
Who are Matt Roloff's parents?
Matt Roloff's parents are Peggy and Ron Roloff. They first appeared on Little People, Big World back in 2006 during Season 1 of the TLC series, and have occasionally traveled to Oregon to appear on the show or to simply visit off-camera — including for pumpkin season at Roloff Farms.

Viewers experienced a bit of a Ron and Peggy hiatus on LPBW when Matt and Amy were in the middle of separating and then divorcing. This happened between Matt's parents' appearance in the Season 13 episode "New Year, Big Changes" in 2014 and a Season 18 episode titled "Four Generations of Roloffs" — during which Matt's parents traveled from California to Oregon to meet Zach and Tori's son, Jackson, on the first Father's Day after he was born.
"Six hundred miles is a short trip to make to see a great grandson," Ron said during the latter episode.
"Yup," Peggy agreed.
"I can't imagine being a great-grandfather. Are we old enough for that?" Ron playfully added.

Matt Roloff's father, Ron Roloff, died in 2022.
Although Matt's mother Peggy is still alive today, unfortunately his father Ron died in 2022.
"A sad week for the Roloff Family. My dad, affectionately known as 'Papa' to his 10 grandchildren and his 10 great grandkids, peacefully went home to be with his Lord and Savior yesterday evening," Matt wrote in an Aug. 1 Instagram post. "Ron was an amazing husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and inspiration to many."
Ronald was 84 years old at the time of his death.

Matt continued: "Some of his last words to me were telling me how proud he was of the things I had accomplished … then he quoted, 'My Father’s house has many rooms; Jesus said ... I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (John 14:2-3)."
A celebration of life was held for Matt's father — and in November 2022, the LPBW star shared photos from the event with his Instagram followers. He captioned a post filled with pictures: "Papa Ron would have been soooo happy to see all the cousins playing and celebrating his amazing life… A life well lived indeed!"
Catch new episodes of Little People, Big World at 9 p.m. EST on Tuesdays on TLC and Discovery Plus.