Matthew Lewis Trolled 'Harry Potter' Costar Tom Felton for Saying Aging Sucks

Updated Feb. 16 2021, 3:35 p.m. ET

The Harry Potter stars we grew up with, well, they're all grown up now. It's weird how that happens. Some of them, though, are feeling it more than others. Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy, is now a 32-year-old man who, like the rest of us, is seeing and feeling the effects of aging. Only he has the added benefit of having acted in one of the largest movie franchises of all time, so his image has been everywhere since was a kid.
He recently took to Instagram, where he posted a picture of his today-self next to a photo of baby Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy. I'm not going to say he hasn't aged. That many years serving the Dark Lord does something to a person. His caption, "Aging's a b----h," explains how he's feeling about the whole situation.
While many people in the comments tried to make him feel better by saying things like, "Why? You look younger!" and, "You'll always be beautiful to me," there was one comment that certainly expressed a different sentiment. And that one came from Tom's Harry Potter costar Matthew Lewis, known by most as Neville Longbottom.
Matthew Lewis famously had an intense glow-up after his stint in the Harry Potter franchise. He went from a nerdy kid believably named "Neville" to... well, one of the most attractive people on the planet. So when Tom lamented the idea of aging on Instagram, Matthew couldn't help himself and responded, "Speak for yourself lad!" Amazing. And I mean, he's totally right. Take a look at Neville Longbottom...

What an adorable little dude. No one could have predicted in a million years that he would grow up to be one smokin' hot former wizard. But look at him now.
The chiseled. The soulful. The luscious. It's safe to say aging has been very good to Matthew Lewis. He has perhaps aged the most gracefully out of any of the Harry Potter main players. Although Emma Watson is currently killing it to. She went from mousy Hermione Granger...

To bonafide badass feminist and serious actor. I for one can't wait to see her play Meg March in Greta Gerwig's upcoming adaptation of Little Women. And thanks to her role as Belle in the live-action Beauty and the Beast, Emma Watson is literally a real-life Disney princess. Not many people can say that.
While we're here, we might as well catch up with Harry and Ron too, right? Rupert Grint hasn't spent too much time in the spotlight since he stopped playing Ron Weasley, but that's all about to change with his role in the new Apple TV Plus show from M. Night Shyamalan, Servant.

He's definitely grown up and started to sport some facial hair, but if I'm being honest, he's still making the same faces he was making back in the day. And I love it.
Speaking of facial hair, Daniel Radcliffe also has a new lewk going on, at least for his role in the TV series Miracle Workers.

Harry Potter debuted in theaters in 2001. That's almost 20 years ago. There are whole adult humans who were born after the first Harry Potter movie came out. That's insane. We're all getting older and going gray, but we'll always have the magic of the wizarding world to return to to make us feel young again.