Matthew Perry Has Been Accused of Taking Advantage of Young Women Through Raya
Published May 7 2021, 10:27 a.m. ET
A TikTok user named Kate Haralson has gone viral after posting a private FaceTime call that she had with Friends star Matthew Perry. Apparently, the two were matched on Raya, and Kate, who is only 19, posted the call in part to demonstrate how older celebrities are taking advantage of young women through dating apps.
Kate posted the call, which took place last May, on TikTok.
In the clip Kate posted to TikTok, she and Matthew can be seen playing a version of 20 questions on FaceTime to get to know one another. In an interview with Page Six, Kate said that none of the questions he asked were sexual, but she said she did feel uncomfortable at times, in part because she had already mentioned that she was only 19 and he was 51.

“I don’t think he minded that,” she said when discussing the age gap. “It kind of felt weird talking to someone my dad’s age and it just felt not right, especially when he knew how young I was.”
In fact, Kate said that Matthew even asked if he was as old as her dad. She told him that he was actually a year older than her father, a comment which she said he "laughed off."
A friend of Kate's was the one who took the video.
While she was on the call with Matthew, Kate said a friend managed to capture a quick snippet, which is what was ultimately posted to TikTok.
“A lot of people were saying I’m a bully and mean for posting this, and it made me feel kind of bad, but at the same time, I feel like a lot of guys in Hollywood are talking to all these young girls and it’s something that I think a lot of people should be aware of,” Kate, who works as a celebrity assistant, said.
Kate also added that, normally, when she matches with older celebrities on Raya, she doesn't talk to them. When she saw she had matched with Matthew, though, she thought talking with him might be funny. She also said that almost immediately, he asked that their conversations be switched out of Raya and onto FaceTime.
Kate was 'inspired' by another TikTok video of Ben Affleck.
Initially, Kate said that she never planned to post the video. After she saw a video from Nivine Jay, another TikTok user who posted a video of a conversation with Ben Affleck after they matched on Raya, she felt inspired to post about her own experience with an older celebrity.
“I didn’t expect it to blow up as fast as it did," Kate said.
Kate said that she and Navine have been in touch since, and Navine has advised her to ignore the haters.
"You post something and you just have to expect for some people to be on your side and others to be on their side,” she said. “Obviously, a lot of people are going to take his side since he’s a celeb TV character, but that’s OK.”