McDonald's Drive Thru Worker Swats a Huge Spider Off Customer's Window

Published Oct. 20 2023, 10:45 a.m. ET
There are certain are things we don't mess with: Snakes in cars (or anywhere) and spiders in or on cars (or anywhere).
A McDonald's customer similarly wasn't having it with a gigantic spider that was "clinging" to her car window.
Luckily, TikTok user @lexxmcgowan was rescued by a fast food worker who we think is basically the employee of the year. Here's what went down with the spider that almost ruined a woman's McDonald's run.
A McDonald's run could have been ruined by a spider, but a drive thru worker saved the day.
We've all heard about McDonald's employees who kinda don't care. But hey, they have to deal with rude or weird customers, so can you blame them?
In this story, we "meet" a hero fast food employee who works the drive thru and braves dealing with a spider for a petrified customer.
In the TikTok that is only half a minute long, we are first introduced to a hefty spider who has taken up residence on a customer's window, and therefore blocks her access to her McDonald's order. Not cool.
The good news is that she has support from a broom-wielding employee who isn't about to let an arachnid ruin her customer's drive thru experience. She bats that insect away without a moment's hesitation, and now, the TikToker can roll down her window and enjoy her McDonald's craving. She's a hero!
Commenters are instant fans of the McDonald's drive thru worker who faced off against the spider — and even donate to her cause!
TikTok instantly fell in love with a fast food worker who goes above and beyond. In fact, it seems to be the week for caring restaurant employees to have their stories told online.
We also "met" a group of WhataBurger employees who did their thing to make sure a customer got back the phone she left behind after her meal.
This time, people were convinced this McDonald's employee deserved a big tip and a raise. But as someone joked about seeing the tight-lipped worker come at the car with a broom, "The person behind you is about to be the best behaved they've ever been at the drive thru."
The creator took suggestions that she ought to tip the McDonald's worker in a big way to the next level. She actually created a GoFundMe for the employee!
At time of writing, the account had only raised $35 toward its $1,000 goal. But hopefully as awareness around this brave act of spider removal grows, so too will the donations for the worker who went above and beyond.

The creator, whose name is Alexis Cruz, shared more about her true fear of spiders on GoFundMe, and how the worker came to her rescue in a bigger way than we even realized.
"This woman with true bravery helped me get a spider from my car window," Alexis elaborated about her scare caught on TikTok. "Without her, I actually would've passed away from a panic attack."
"This woman deserves a raise, and a bonus," she further stated, adding about her plans for the funds raised, "I will go to McDonald's and find out the next time she works so I can give her the money. She was a real one for taking on that hefty spider."
Here's hoping the worker gets a bonus as big as that spider real soon!